Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cape Cod whiner hams

Heard a local low code Extra and 20 year USAF retiree currently employed by same declare that he and his working wife who live in a ranch at age 59 are finding money tight.

USAF pension coming... a small house... and two salaries totaling over $100,000. And the pensions they'll get from those too.

Give me a break. Maybe if he didn't have a $1000 mountain bike seen on QRZ for starters, he'd have more money.

Try being maimed by the filthy government I trusted and studied until age 24, with a dead father, no income, four years of college flushed down the toilet, and then being harassed by the government after they maimed you knowing it would happen, with other sick relatives... shut the hell up you whiners.

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