Thursday, December 16, 2010

How many new radios did you buy in the last 30 years, Mr Millionaire Democrat ?

K1ZZ just had to get a snipe in at incoming Republican chair of the House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet, Greg Walden, W7EQI :

ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ, was pleased to hear the news: “We’re delighted that the subcommittee is in the hands of such a well-qualified chairman. Greg was an early cosponsor of HR2160, and while he may not always be able to agree with every ARRL position, we know his door will always be open to us.”

That's because every ARRL position is now dictated by the Democrats' "gimme gimme," "dumb-down" and "the Constitution is a rag" agendas.

Hey Dave ! Why don't you stop hiring Midwestern DNC shills for your jobs program ?

I'm so sick of you hiring Midwesterners like yourself that I wish the state of Michigan would secede if you're what's there. That's where you're taking your fat Connecticut adjusted ARRL salary like the rest of the salaried staff after you retire, isn't it ?

Those poor exiled ARRL staffers and officers. They couldn't get jobs where they were from because instead of getting a 20 WPM Extra and a Phi Beta Kappa key, they were too busy working DX and contesting.

It's the Revenge of the Radio Geeks. They turned ARRL into a works program for nerds who were too busy contesting in high school.

Will you be a real traitor to America and move to Canada and prepare for the "end times" like so many post 9/11 millionaire hams buying huge tracts in the woods or another country and disguising them as contest stations ?

It's just another discriminatory WASP Democrat.

And where's my November QST ? By my count they sent three, or lied three times. I have received zero. If you'd stop hiring every apartment dwelling Midwestern contester who needs a job, they'd stay at ARRL longer and QST could be replaced if it's late for whatever reason including renewal as it used to be until last year, in a week or two.

The biggest mistake the Connecticut Yankees made was being open minded in the 1970s and hiring you people to drive the hobby into the ground for your corporate and government handlers. Many of you went on to work for them directly... after 9/11 they should have told their catatonic bosses in the intelligence community what ham radio was instead of letting them turn it into busy work they knew was a lie.

Capice, Dave ? Maybe you don't even know. Maybe you do.

So what was that federal motor pool registered van doing there day after day and week after week ? The one the staff pretended to not know was parked there ?

"Gee, what van ?"

Which way did the Zamboni go ? I'm the driver.

Yessir, the old Yankees hired anyone without regard to race, ethnicity or religion and you hire WASP contester Democrats from the Midwest for every post you create.

Rep. Walden should have tweeted "now the ARRL can act in a non-partisan way instead of being the Democrat standard bearer for a hobby that's supposed to be non-partisan."

I once was told by a Connecticut ham that Dave did more than he or I would ever know. Yes, all that shoveling to dig a hole for ham radio was exhausting, first by hanging on to an antiquated 20 WPM code test until anyone my age in 1987 to 1991 was safely repulsed by the hobby.

Then he finished it off by encouraging DSP based garbage products he didn't buy for ten years into the process until they were marginally improved. Next after trashing the license structure and blaming the nasty FCC, he encouraged $5,000 to $10,000 dollar radios to be the new barrier to entry, along with the ARRL do-nothing about tower fights mantra. All the while he performed the typical distraction tactics of NGOs and government, such as hand wringing over antennas at condominiums even as the ARRL let private home owners hang.

I thought all you Democrats like Catholic, disabled / maimed Italians' votes for your Constitution shredding Globalist candidates... and that's for playing games with QST.

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