Friday, November 4, 2011

CL&P receiving obvious guidance, releases PSYOPS press releases

That's Land of the Happy People speak. They're taking a huge number and making it sound like a good result. That's still millions of people in the dark.

Are CL&P and Governor Malloy, with heads firmly tucked in their chests and eyes diverted away from the staring cameras, actually proud of that after seven days ?

West Hartford and Farmington are still 85 percent without power ! Even suburban Wethersfield is still 14 percent out and Newington 21 percent.

Stafford and Union are 97 percent without power. Union is a tiny town. Why aren't they being assisted ?

Is this the Globalist coup dominated United States that trucked millions of gallons of fuel and materiel across Iraq and Afghanistan for a decade for ungrateful sloths educated at Ivy League schools Americans can't even afford to attend ? The Afghan President and US "ally" Karzai is going to kill you if the USA ever fights Pakistan. If you don't like NPR, read it on Fox.

Am I in that country that moves mountains when it chooses ?

They did exactly what I warned after 48 hours and 800,000 customers dark (that's millions of cold people on 32 degree nights). They did next to nothing. They delayed. They lied according to town governments. They didn't direct the National Guard away from it's work in support of the fictitious 9/11 narrative until it was "too late".

Today, there are over 1,740 line and tree crews working and more crews continue arriving to assist the effort. Crews continue working with Connecticut National Guard units to open roads in the Northwest and Central parts of the state.

Yes, seven days later when it was clear after 48 they were screwed. They wasted more money at shelters on fuel, supplies, missed school days, etc., then had 2000 National Guardsmen been ordered to report after 48 hours of bungling.

Why are there only Posse Comitatus concerns after actual emergencies when they let the public fester ? There never is when they violate rights the last decade, as they lie about the real source of 9/11 by omission.

Even the placid Courant tells the truth now:

I stated a few days ago that there was a redaction of data on the web map. They not only tried that trick until there was squawking, they tried to redact data from town government !

Collins told them that it contained confidential information, and the town manager had to press him multiple times for a copy, said Slifka.

Slifka said officials eventually got copies, but the information about the town's expected restoration time had purposely been blacked out.

Slifka said he could read through some of the words that were blacked out, and he said the part he read indicated that CL&P's plans could change. "There are parts that are blacked out better than others," he said.

Slifka said he believes the blacked out words, coupled with plans for a meeting CL&P is trying to arrange in town, indicates that many residents can expect to be in the dark for several days beyond CL&P's self-imposed power restoration deadline of 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, he said.

And John Larson is a corporate shill on Pelosi's leash. Had I done what was asked of me in 1995 and not been nearly assassinated by Bormann group owned Merck instead, this would not have been my response today:

The entire Connecticut delegation, with one notable exception, is calling on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to investigate the state's power outage.

The member who did not sign on? U.S. Rep. John Larson, who has tens of thousands of constitutents without power.

Larson issued the following statement late this afternoon explaining why he did not join his Connecticut colleagues: "My primary focus right now is to make sure everyone in CT gets power as soon as possible and to ensure that the right entities are coordinating to get my constituents power and heat especially before this cold weekend.

Nor would this pretend in the face of the technology that caused it:

"Connecticut has been slammed by Irene, Lee and now this freak October snowstorm. We must look at all levels of government participation and figure out how to better respond so that residents will never have to wait a week to get power back up and running .

He missed a tornado. It always seems centered on the same town; the tornado stands as independent proof.

If I know, he knows.

"As of Thursday, there were 25 impassable roads in Avon," Murphy said. "That is a public safety nightmare. We're gonna fight like heck to make sure Connecticut gets every dime."

What a bore, Chris. Where was the army of manpower for seven days ? Also, are you going to show us your mommy and daddy during this campaign as you commit troops to war ?

"It may be that lock-tight enforceable mutual aide agreements are the best deal for ratepayers,'' Murphy said. "We didn't have lock-tight enforceable mutual aide agreements in this case. We thought there were line crews coming that did not come. We absolutely have to have federal agencies looking into the question of how we can better write and enforce mutual aid agreements.''

Yes what they needed was more paper pushers. Brilliant.

Strangely, the Gentleman from Connecticut and his delegation know where to find the National Guard when they're needed abroad. He seems to have failed to locate them in quantity in the last seven days, however.

And to think you asked me if I was going to "nuke Russia" when I registered as a Republican. Why are you letting freaks "nuke" your own country ?

(If I know, he knows.)


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