Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dear Barack Obama

Dear Barack Obama,

In regard to the destruction of the power grid in Connecticut and
Massachusetts, the government is risking the security of several
states in the Northeast by sending minimal, farcical aid. It's been
several days with millions without power in 35 degree nightly air.

Stores are dysfunctional. Gas is short. Is this by design by you ? Are
you punishing them or do you have another plan in mind ?

If the USA were to be attacked now, it is unlikely it would be able to
absorb it. I'm sure you know that.

So kindly tell the man who is Governor of Connecticut (and whose house
was raided repeatedly by the police while Mayor of Stamford over his
drug dealer son) to start taking his job seriously at the start of
business tomorrow.

Your spraying jet sorties like those over Southeast Massachusetts
today put me in hospital on 7 October half-dead, and turned the late
storm into a nightmare in Connecticut.

It's nippy out there; you went far over your mark. We all know what
mark that is. Do you have a chart of average temperatures in your
possession ?

Making the sick, old, young and injured wait for heat by the millions
is now unacceptable.

You and Dannel Malloy are making virtually no progress other than
sending water and MREs.

Why are you so fast to send troops to foreign countries to perform the
same duties that you are so slow to perform here ?

You have billions to dust the sky and not one penny to aid the cold masses.

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