Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Fear of All Sums

The Fear of all Sums is the amalgamation of currently strongman-controlled mostly secularly governed Arab countries turned Muslim governed. These would be united into a caliphate. Despite feigned protests, this would suit the Visigoth Globalists just fine, and of course, many Muslims as well.

It is now becoming clear that the intent of the Wikileaks triggered revolts in the Arab world are designed to, at least from a American perspective, radicalize the world by making it Muslim... by elections in their weakened states. It is as with the patient with a low immunity to illness. Or the US soldiers in the 1950s who were made to test biological weapons by inhaling them while wearing a hood.

The hope of a leading popular Muslim is that the Muslim nations will then join together. Of course, the West will "decide" that it's unacceptable, and drag the world back to refight the Battle of Tours. The MIC will then profit through endless wars if they are refused access to the new credit markets they'd create otherwise, now that the West is burned out.

At least when Charles Martel defeated the Muslims at Tours, he was done. At least Octavian ushered in the Pax Augusta until the Visigoths staged an unlawful coup d'etat to remove the Ottavianos and their successors from power.

However, people like Jimmy Carter who has a cable splicing nuclear spy sub named after him that was used in 2008 to prepare for the Egyptian gambit by cutting internet traffic in the Med, insist on fantasy role playing comments like:

Surely they are seeking that. But what they're going to get is a Soviet style ballot like the USA has now handed to Americans for decades by the people setting up a 1000 year war that many of them think will usher in the Second Coming of Christ.

That is:


Every person on the other side of the Wall knows that if Mr Fair and Open, Jimmy Carter, was so much a saint of the Visigoth usurpers, that he'd have declined a spy sub in favor of a future hospital ship.

Carter also added that groups that were funded and grown by Adolf Hitler and then leftover Nazis for 65 years are nothing to fret about:

"I think the Muslim Brotherhood is not anything to be afraid of in the upcoming (Egyptian) political situation and the evolution I see as most likely," Carter said. "They will be subsumed in the overwhelming demonstration of desire for freedom and true democracy."

There was a ham named Prof. Charles "Chic" Ewing, W4UFD, who knew Mr. Carter in Georgia. He's where I got most of my current thoughts about Mr. Nice Guy Carter and the rest would be thousands of pages of reading. While it remains to be seen, my thoughts about Jimmy Carter (and his spy sub) are about the same as pressure relief valves, the Family Paul. They have 433 Representatives in Congress and 98 Senators playing Bad Cop, and 2 in each body playing Good Cop. Carter is the Good Cop in the remaining Presidents. Make no mistake. He's playing a part.

For as Octavian said:

"Have I played the part well ? Then applaud as I exit."

This all smells like a concerted con job to replace dictators with Muslim governments, and then, the real fun and profit for America high skool (sic.) graduates will begin.


At the other side, we see the following mirroring Carter. An extensive article on the Father Coughlin of the Middle East, the Qatari funded Youssef al-Qaradawi says:

Qaradawi advocates establishing a "United Muslim Nations" as a contemporary form of the caliphate and the only alternative to the hegemony of the West. He hates Israel and would love to take up arms himself. In one of his sermons, he asked God "to kill the Jewish Zionists, every last one of them."

In January 2009, he said: "Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by [Adolf] Hitler."

As detailed here previously, he'd know best along with his Muslim Brotherhood associates that met with Hitler, dined with Hitler, were trained by Hitler, funded by Hitler, and recruited Arab SS officers for Hitler.

Back in America, the usurpers of Rome incrementalize or "ease into it" to see the public response. They condition you. Each President also makes sure that you know that he is descended from Charlemagne so that ultimately he'll be the successor (to some who care) of the Crusaders that came after.

I would think that they'd be more concerned with how they're related to the victor of the Battle of Tours, Charles Martel, since that's where they're steering the world back toward through staged events.

In the 11 September 1990 "New World Order" speech to Congress by George HW Bush, the events began in earnest after the US told ally Saddam Hussein that the US didn't care about Kuwait so that he'd invade the missing province. They were setting him up.

The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge: A new era—freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in harmony.

A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor, and today that new world is struggling to be born. A world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak.

A hundred generations ? A generation is defined as 16 to 20 years throughout history but most recently, 20 years. Twenty times 100 equals... the Roman Empire that the Bush family and the rest of the Visigoths illegally took their power and wealth from.

On 11 September 9, the XVII, XVIII and XIX of our lawful Roman Legions were destroyed by German high treason in the Teutoburg Forest.

On 11 September 1990, Bush gave that speech.

On 11 September 2001, the US attacked itself.

Unfortunately for those of us who supported them, the Bushes, now seen through present events, are liars on many fronts. We need not go the IG Farben and other routes again as they're often repeated. In 1990, George HW Bush did nothing short of ignoring the staged "history" they caused through the last hundred generations of war and are about to embark on through the next hundred in 2011.

There were 100 generations of failed peaces because they ruled by coup d'etat and intrigue, and not the Ottavianos that created the modern world.

Rome gave the world peace. The people then known as Visigoths took it away over and over. And yet now rulers across Europe salute their Visigoth ancestors while pretending we don't exist.

Fewer than 2000 cold Februaries ago was the age of the Pax Augusta. It was an era of peace even as the Jews and Visigoths decided to stage a coup d'etat against Rome including usurping the offices of the Roman state with their traitorous ancestors by 476.

In 1991 the Globalist event managers told Saddam that he could only use certain helicopters and served as his demeaning nanny in any number of ways until his removal. While enforcing the No Fly Zones with Saddam, the US bombed the Serbs for fighting what the US would say were Muslim terrorists had they been attacking the US and not Serbia. "Just don't fight them too much," could have been the US press release statement.

Saddam's Iraq was simply the testbed for what's now at hand. That is, to trigger the removal of US allied puppets in the name of Democracy that the US never had since it's a Republic, get the Arab people hooked on credit and goods if they cooperate and if they don't cooperate, fight endless wars again to distract the world from Globalist financial theft and power grabbing.

We had gladiators.

The Globalists play with you and your family on a chess board.

Legiones redde.

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