Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lieberman wants "arms" for Libyans as Victor Bout is a guest of USA that employed him

The lame duck Senator and international arms trafficker from Connecticut, Joe Lieberman advocates pouring gasoline on fires. There are a number of oddities with his demand heard on WTIC radio this morning.

The USA railroaded Russian arms dealer Victor Bout into a foreign prison and on to the USA for the same. That's after Victor was used by this government over and over for his ability to transport arms into areas this government wished to immolate.

Joe Lieberman is a shill for Connecticut arms corporations like Electric Boat, Colt's, UTC and myriad small companies that make their parts. I have less issue with Colt's since it's an old company than I do with the Globalists that build submarines and engines and electronics with parts from countries they might be used against some day.

...Electric Boat bought copper-nickel tubing from a German factory instead of Ansonia Copper and Brass, a defense contractor in Waterbury with 70 workers.

"They have lost one contract, 10 percent of their business so far," Murphy said. "It's to the benefit of Electric Boat's profits to buy more overseas."

and that

"The fact that the federal government is spending billions of tax dollars in overseas shops is as outrageous to them as it is to me, so it was definitely an issue that resonated in my campaign"

That was just his two faced statements in the last week. It bypasses the previous 22 years of them.

In December 2002, Lieberman said:

He was talking about video games... in your living room. All those poor, slaughtered electrons. Can we launch a UN High Commission to investigate the genocide ?

Apparently Libyans won't be doing that with the "arms" he said on WTIC that he wants to get to Libyans this morning.

Will they be doing gun show style background checks on the Libyans they give them to ?

So it's OK to let every unknown Iraqi family keep an assault weapon and ammunition and to deliver arms to Libyans to remove a US puppet from Libya ? Then you have to go bow as if you're applying for a job and not a Constitutional right and provide a medical history to get a pea shooter in the country that makes the guns ?

Wake up !

No Ottaviano ever asked you to get a background check for your bow and sword.

Right, Etienne ? I recently read a web page that says Betty Hanover claims 5 lines of descent to Octavian and Julius Caesar, yet I don't see a single Ottaviano in her family tree.

It's so strange that people let you get away with 1500 years of fraud. I guess until one emerged Phi Beta Kappa that you then maimed, you were going to get away with it.

Legiones redde.

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