Friday, February 18, 2011

Senator Brown was molested by his exaggerations

Senator Brown, did you have your face gouged bloody every day in kindergarten as priests and nuns laughed because they, of course, knew your mother's last name ?

I was responsible for Christian law breakers being put to death in Rome; I had it coming.

Well if I did, I'll take any one willing to volunteer to fight now with me against their control grid, since I paid in blood at age 5. The kid is now another wanna be cop with a ceremonial title.

More cops. More military. More MIC.

That's real.

"Fortunately, nothing was ever fully consummated, so to speak," Brown says in the preview for the show airing Sunday, the day before his memoir "Against All Odds" is released.

Then you weren't molested. He was going to kill you ? A bus driver threatened to kill me to protect the kid slicing my face open for months and I didn't keep my mouth shut.

Find a flaw and develop it to garner the public sympathy and trust.

You're as full of it as Barry Soetoro was when he tried to look "cool" by saying he used drugs in his book. He was, in fact, working for the CIA at a known front company. Do you think he was using drugs there ?

Do you know how many Republicans don't even believe you because of that statement alone ? Go read the comments after the articles about this story. They know you're a turncoat and a panderer.

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