Monday, February 28, 2011

Food prices predicted to skyrocket in coming weeks

On 6 September 1936, Father Charles Coughlin speaking in Chicago said:

There is written in the Constitution of the United States that Congress has the right to coin, issue, and regulate the value of money. That's good Americanism and it's good enough for me. Every politician today, in the Democratic or Republican ranks, who sits upon one of the thrones of the mighty, doesn't believe in that part of the Constitution. They don't want to believe in that part of the Constitution. They believe that the Federal Reserve Bank has the right to coin and regulate the value of money. They're not even Americans, these so-called Democrats and Republicans. And so Mr. Roosevelt, who was very loquacious in 1933 about driving the money changers out of the temple, is now bent upon another policy. I think driving the workmen out of decent annual wages. As I come before you today, I wish to leave this thought with you. That at each Congressional district here in Illinois we will endorse a candidate who can rise above his party and puts patriotism first. He may be a Democrat or a Republican or whatnot. But we're through with the sham battle of politicians and now we're on our own. Therefore under your Congressional district presidents, form your battalions, take up the shield of your defense, unsheathe the sword of your truth, and carry on in Illinois so that the Communists on the one hand cannot scourge us and that the modern Capitalists on the other cannot plague us.

Why are all these revolutions happening now? Plenty of answers have been offered: the emergence of huge urban populations with college degrees but no prospect of work; the accumulation of decades of resentment at rulers who are "authoritarian familial kleptocracies delivering little to their people", as Peter Bergen of the New America Foundation put it; the subversive role of Facebook and Twitter,fatally undermining the state's systems of thought control.

Absent from this list – to the combined bewilderment and relief of the US and Europe – are the factors that were universally supposed to be driving populist politics in the Middle East: Islamic fundamentalism coupled with anti-Zionism and anti-Americanism. As one Egyptian pointed out after the fall of Mubarak, at no point during weeks of passionate revolt did either the Israeli or the US embassies become a target of the crowd's fury, even though both are within easy reach of Tahrir Square. "Not so much as a Coke can was thrown over the wall," he said.

That's a lie. When the unfortunate incident occurred with Lara Logan, she was declared a "Jew". Even Gaddafi, rumored to be mixed (up), was declared a "Jew" in graffiti ! I don't know what history they're rewriting here.

It apppears that the article is spraying some revisionist water on a fire that may be getting too hot for those who lit it in reality, before it turns on them too.

And then... he launches into the usual "al Qaida is going to attack" drivel.

Of course, that does not mean that allies of al-Qa'ida will not seek to exploit the growing chaos in Libya in particular, striving to turn it into a new Somalia-sur-Med.


Where's the warrant for Osama bin Laden if he did it ?

What were those (ostensible) Arabs doing at the Old Saybrook McDonald's looking in the bed of the blue Toyota pickup by the stinking dumpster hours before TWA 800 in the July heat in 1996 ? Ask the Visigoth Weishauputian Evil Ones. They also ignored hundreds of witnesses, NY ANG pilots, and muzzled them until after they retired.

Legiones redde.

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