Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hey Microsoft ! UTC / GMT use 24 hour time with no AM or PM

Well another Globalist corporation put their fingers in their ears and ignored the consumers that employ them after lots of email from lots of people.

UTC also known as GMT, uses 24 hour time with no AM or PM.

If you add a second clock in Windows 7, you get another 12 hour AM and PM clock unless your first clock is a 24 hour clock. That's OK if for some in the military or government, etc.

It's stupid for most other users who want local time and UTC. You should see one clock with 10:23 PM and one that says 3:23.

Instead they show you one clock with 10:23 PM and the UTC clock shows 3:23 AM !

That's idiotic.

Microsoft assured those who wrote that it would be fixed.

We can assume this is how the Gates Foundation will fix the world with their Globalist lies too.

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