Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The PAVE PAWS lie takes on a life of its own

In a bizarre mashup that not one of these verbose Cape Cod activists challenged as far as was reported, the state and local emergency and fire dispatch is now headquartered feet from USAF intelligence and UAV command and control facilities, at Otis AFB, as well as NORAD's PAVE PAWS.

The ham saying what follows in the attached group posts works for "Them" in that his employer has federal contracts. Days ago he again put up a 440 MHz APRS station as many were doing, only to remove it days later saying he feared PAVE PAWS' wrath.

When he read that people in NH and MA were putting up 440 APRS stations, he most likely put an APRS transmitter up on 440 in a staged bid to get the others to follow his lead and remove theirs when he feigned fear of the USAF... on their say so.

USAF not only now has traitor hams and traitor paper hams working at it that shred the Constitution to pay their mortgages instead of having saved, but they also had local hams visit to size them up before assaulting the 440 MHz band so that Raytheon could have busy work.

They waited until one of their longest term employees who was a ham was dead (most likely by their hand) to get hams off 440 MHz. Hams who are injured and killed by working at PAVE PAWS can't raise scientific objections to Raytheon lies if they're not around any more.

USAF knows that most hams are incapable of independent thought, or follow other hams like lemmings. Staging fear over what will happen if a 440 APRS station was left on the air long-term is a sure way to get the others off 440 in a hurry, again.

Don't look to the poster below for any unbiased truths. Why are hams guessing what the effect of what they do will be before they are told ? The PAVE PAWS lies were not supposed to involve home or mobile stations. Ever hear of posse comitatus ? Go back to your base and play golf on the taxpayer provided course, watch cheap movies and eat your free food. Maybe you can even head over to Seafood Sam's and eat fried clams on the taxpayer dime as you often are seen doing.

This is fascinating when the US government will be attending Bilderberg and violate the Logan Act in a few months, yet hams are told what to do in their homes in violation of posse comitatus.

18 U.S.C. § 1385. Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus:

Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

And no, primary or secondary user status has nothing to do with enforcing laws off your base. Where was the law when I was maimed by Merck ? To hell with them and their paper pushing MIC nonsense.

Posted by: "Rick (N1RCW)"

Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:52 am (PST)

Hi Dave, Thanks, Just an FYI to the group. I did shut down the 445.925
transmitter Saturday afternoon. After chatting with one of the nesmc members I
felt that it being a fixed station at 25 watt's and 160 ft in the air is no
different than a repeater output and I didn't want to "rock the boat" as we have
lost a good portion of the SE repeaters and don't want to be the one that
created the complaint to completely shut down of the band for the rest of the

Unfortunately as far as the Cape Cod area we have lost the the 440 band. I
haven't heard any local traffic on 440 in a couple of years since all the
repeaters went silent. So I don't think the APRS digi would have been of any use
down this way.We have moved on to 220 Mhz..Rebuilding the network..
Onward..! 73's

EL Node 398619
N1RCW-L ENE Link System
147.435 PL 88.5
IRLP Node 4824
445.900 PL 88.5
Forestdale Weather Info

From: kz1o
Sent: Mon, February 21, 2011 7:32:50 AM
Subject: [APRSNE] Re: New Station on 445.925

If anyone would like to know more about 440 activity and how it affects
PAVE-PAWS I can connect you with our coordinator who is involved with the Air
Force in this regard. At NESMC we are primarily concerned with repeater
coordination, but there are some relevant technical issues for simplex operation
such as APRS that are worth knowing about.


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