Monday, February 21, 2011

Oil is a Weapon because your local gas station is a Globalist tool

Oil went up 6 percent thanks to Libyan unrest ?

Monday's spike follows violent clashes in Libya over the weekend that were spurred, at least in part, by angst over high unemployment.

No, it went up 6 percent because girlie men in New York City like to steal from the innocent to buy large vacation homes.

These are the same medicated dolts who tell others to calm down in grocery store lines on Cape Cod when they're here in the summer, but when it benefits their wallet to feign panic and steal by driving prices up, they work it to the maximum.

Libya produces 1.6 million barrels of oil a day, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. By contrast, Nigeria produces an estimated 2.2 million barrels per day, making it Africa's largest producer.

If prices responded reasonably to events, then the price would go up no more than the cost increase of the oil from that source country as a percent of the total used here. Instead, we see absurd total price increases that have no connection to reality when a country like Libya exports only a small percent of the total oil used by the US.

It's as if the liars want the public to think that suddenly all of the oil at the pump is from Libya !

It's another Globalist profiteer sham. Now, I'm not advocating getting angry with your local gas station, but they do absolutely nothing. The apply no known pressure to the home office. They're all American cowards. And so, they're part of the problem when this occurs. In fact, three years ago they had the unmitigated gall to start whining to newspapers about rude customers.

Go whine to the home office !

Here are the facts:

That's 2,510,000 barrels a day from Canada and 2,345,000 from Mexico a day. That oil was all imported into the USA alone !

Do you have any idea what a small fraction of your nation's oil is Libyan ? So why is the price up 6 percent already ? Theft !

Libya's grand total exported for the entire world was 1,600,000 a day, and nothing has even happened to it yet except feigned fear and lies by people the American public once again let run them through time after time.

Libya isn't even in the top 15 countries that the USA imports crude from. And the rest of the world is no different. The media writes sham articles to prop up oil companies by tossing around big numbers that relatively speaking are fractions of the world's oil.

Why don't you write letters or emails ? Why don't you open your mouths ? Are you afraid you won't be able to fly to Disney World ? That's more Globalist Visigoth nonsense, anyway.

Remove them and their power over you fails. They didn't let the Ottavianos rule the world.

Why are you bowing to them ?

Legiones redde.

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