Sunday, February 27, 2011

Usurper of Roman Empire Harry Hanover's driver aims car for photographer ?

Harry 1, Photographers 0

PRINCE Harry's minders face a grilling after a car carrying the young royal hit a photographer in central London, leaving him hospitalised.

Well now, I see they learned from that little incident where they blamed being on the wrong radio channel for driving into the recent protests. That was actually staged to feign victimization in the midst of the publicity drive for the father's book and NBC broadcast film.

The snapper was struck as the Prince was whisked through a press pack in a silver Ford car in the early hours of this morning.

Party-loving Harry had been celebrating England's Six-Nations rugby success at central London's Beaufort House before calling it a night around 2am and climbing into the vehicle with his protection team.

Why out so late at his advanced age ? He's 16 days early for Bacchanalia...

At least being a Ford the parts won't be as expensive to repair as a Rolls Royce.

Hey by the way. Wouldn't the British people like a real Briton for a King since they're paying, and not a Visigoth / Frank / Saxon ?

Even Colin Firth thanked his wife for tolerating his "fleeting delusions of royalty" at the Oscars. What is "royalty" except a hocus pocus magic act that you're sold by thieves ? Is royalty a German carpetbagger that couldn't even speak the language on arrival in England ?

What is wrong with people in 2011 ? The Lord giveth to us and the coup d'etat taketh away. In the next 1500 years they built their wealth and power on your backs and your ancestors' lives.

"For a thousand years, their dark order grew," was a bumper used by Alex Jones for quite a while throughout 2008. He might not have known how true it was.

After 1500 years these "royal" families don't even have the decency to donate the bulk of their pilfered wealth for medical research. They keep it as close as ever. You've forgotten through the separation of power into Prime Minister and neutered Head of State and let it go out of courtesy they never gave us as evidenced by the sacked Mausoleum of Augustus.

And remember while we withdrew from Britannia, they're not British. They're the ones that overthrew us.

Our exclusive video shows the prince heading to the car with his minders. With Harry safely inside, the car pulled into the street hitting Mr Margiocchi in the leg and knocking him to the the ground.

And in 2011 they threw a photographer over their car hood...

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