Saturday, February 12, 2011

Was a local radio host stopped earlier in Brewster ?

Who are you when you're active and negative in a green Audi "registered to a party out of Hyannis" ?

Yet when you're John Doe out of Ft Lauderdale, with 7 arrests (or not so it's not an safety excuse), you are who you are by name and numbers and your life story is read aloud.

Last night a foreign born man with no arrests that I remember also had his life story read though he didn't quite understand stopping for those Whelen lights. They are also sold to Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Aghanistan, Iraq... just for future reference when a foreign person says they didn't understand the pretty blue lights.

Still it's so strange a double standard... which takes me back to who I think was stopped in Brewster earlier.

It's not a big deal, except for the double standard for nobodies.

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