Friday, February 18, 2011

Like father, like son

Peter Geithner was a lap dog for China in the "early days". Is this any surprise ?

The cables, obtained by WikiLeaks, show that escalating Chinese pressure prompted a procession of soothing visits from the U.S.Treasury Department. In one striking instance, a top Chinese money manager directly asked U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for a favor.

In June, 2009, the head of China's powerful sovereign wealth fund met with Geithner and requested that he lean on regulators at the U.S. Federal Reserve to speed up the approval of its $1.2 billion investment in Morgan Stanley, according to the cables, which were provided to Reuters by a third party.

Although the cables do not mention if Geithner took any action, China's deal to buy Morgan Stanley shares was announced the very next day.

The Geithners would be the experts at handing the Chinese money to China's benefit and cracking bad jokes about the economy at their lectures.

It's fashionable on Cape Cod to donate rooms to libraries and hospitals as business people do or John F. Kennedy, Jr. did on his death. Are the Geithners just saving it all for the afterlife or to flee under the nuclear umbrella of Israel ?

Globalist Parasites.

You toppled Rome, Jews, so you could steal the wealth and power. You maimed me. You ruined my family. One of your kind even took a scalpel to me in the CCH ER before the painkiller was in effect despite a nurse yelling at him to stop.

Feel the love. I won't die in silence like my father did.

I hate you. I hope the Muslim world runs you through one by one because that's all you'll understand.

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