Saturday, May 21, 2011

24 / 7 for 1943 years: WTIC's Matt Dwyer declares usurper Papacy "much higher authority"

WTIC's Matt Dwyer just declared the Pope to be "a much higher authority" when reporting the former (?) Nazi's communications with the 12 astronauts circling the earth for the first time.

This ignores his time as a Nazi, as so many "inherited" usurpers of Rome now in control like Prince Philip and formerly in control like Prince Bernhard over the last 65 years were. This is an abject and unapologetic slap in the face to US soldiers who were conned into laying their lives down in what is increasingly clear was another staged war for the power and wealth of Germanic and Jewish co-conspirators. Remember, the poor suffered and fought; the Germans eliminated poor Jews, not the rich ones they needed. Don't be a sucker to the victor's history written afterwards that largely fails to identify this in American schools unless you go on to advanced study. So it is that these wealthy Germanic and Jewish (witness George Soros) monsters lived completely or nearly free for 65 years and now spearhead their Fourth Reich funded by the hiding of Nazi funds in companies like the SS "bank" Merck, and the Goebbel / Quandt BMW, that of Globalism.

The Pope is the self-conscious usurper of the Roman Empire created by my ancestor Gaio Giulio Cesare Ottaviano Augusto (Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus Augustus in Latin if it looks more familiar... or Caesar Augustus). The Vatican, on the murder of the last Emperor, took control of the spiritual side as the Germans took the temporal in revenge for the "persecution" of those who were actually breaking the law at the time of their arrests and trials, the founders of the same church.

Yet the Vatican, in order to grab the reigns of the yoke over the necks of man, simply inserted its own holidays on the Roman dates, and usurped the titles, most importantly Pontifex Maximus.

The people they just declared "a higher authority" are illegal members of a criminal cabal looting your wallet after looting the Empire's . Oddly, these liars were said to have tens of billions in 1965 when the article linked to was written, yet claimed only hundreds of millions in 1987, an impossibility given economic growth. So have their partners, the European Germanic families. They are auguring for World War III to reduce the population as in Falmouth, Massachusetts' John P. Holdren's book Ecoscience.


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