Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Paper pushers fabricating teachable moments to scare you into silence and servitude

Here's another one by the Globalist puppets to scare you out of challenging the theft and crimes going on in the government and corporations, in the spirit of the words written by the Forbes shill I wrote about a few days ago.

A kid issued an analytical warning because he (wrongly) cared about a corrupt politician with no identification other than a copy of a birth certificate, an edited Adobe file, and a Connecticut Social Security Number when he never lived in Connecticut nor did his father, nor were cards processed there.

A Tacoma seventh grader faced federal interrogation at school for what he posted on his Facebook page. His mom said it all happened without her knowledge or permission.

The kid is being used as a national tool to shut others up and (the paper pushers hope) and make them watch what they say.

That's the truth of the story.

The goal of this Tacoma story was to teach you to shut up or face inconvenience and questioning. I'll bet he's not flying to Disney World in peace again. He's likely on the contractor-run No Fly List / Blogger Bob Preferred Molestation List with Senator Ted Kennedy and the rest of the government officials on it.

These identity-checked driver licenses and DMV-issued identification cards are part of a federal program showing that the credential holders meet a federal identity standard that might be used in 2017 or later for entering federal buildings, boarding an airplane or doing commercial transactions. Six-year renewals of Connecticut licenses and IDs make it necessary to start the program now so that everyone has an opportunity to get the verification prior to 2017.

Or, maybe he can get his ham radio QSL cards in the mail as 4 US, 4 foreign then 2 US, 2 foreign, then one of each a day, then a month... even though mail flowed freely when the Soviets had tens of thousands of warheads targeted at the USA instead of the Russians who do now (yes that's sarcasm).

Maybe certain town police dispatchers who found his injuries funny will misuse the kill switch on his Uniden BCT15 police scanner on their shift when he's an adult, as reported here before this story on Infowars.

Yes, this month, a Forbes writer declared Americans should let them govern and here we are. Don't even express concern for someone. Keep out of their government. That means, you work, they govern. No entry, no exit. It's a closed class of governors, their financiers, publicists and security forces. How Soviet-American.

He's no doubt as qualified to analyze government as the English major son of someone my father worked with who also went to Trinity is qualified to dispense financial advice in Forbes with a BA in English. It's only the running joke of useless degrees of Garrison Keillor; ketchup and duct tape have more utility.

Do the obsequious fops and fools in government, security and media know that people spent $85,000 as they freeloaded with aid or military bills to get the same degrees as them and know their games ? Many of us outranked them by 90 percent and higher. Do they know some were maimed as I was, with full knowledge it would happen as an assassination for rejecting a life as a sock puppet ? That's a soft kill and the permanent disabling of a descendant of the Ottavianos that ruled the Roman Empire. That's a political assassination, given that I was told to run for Congress by 1998 and instead expressed my plan for law school to them.

Investigate the Bilderberg assassins and political hit men among us, laundering money and targeting innocent people that they then anger, and cut the harassment of kids out.


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