Thursday, May 26, 2011

TSA threatened blockade to break Texas, broke Massachusetts in 2001

After 9/11, for its bumbling, Massachusetts was made the bitch of the federal government as discussed by Oregon's Senator Wyden. prominent Patriot-watcher asserts that the secret interpretation empowers the government to deploy ”dragnets” for massive amounts of information on private citizens; the government portrays its data-collection efforts much differently.

“We’re getting to a gap between what the public thinks the law says and what the American government secretly thinks the law says,” Wyden told Danger Room in an interview in his Senate office. “When you’ve got that kind of a gap, you’re going to have a problem on your hands.”

As a east cost academic / MIC center, it's far worse in Massachusetts as state puppets were forced to accept all manner of experimentation such as:

  • enhanced Geoengineering using sprays from jet overflights and Hanscom HAARP
  • mail covers
  • unreported package searches and delays
  • foreign mail searches and delays
  • interference with AM and FM radio reception through attenuation and fading
  • UAV surveillance and overflights both visual and IR of houses, cars and businesses
  • use of backscatter radiation vans to look through house walls with no warrant of same
  • human intelligence gathering
  • cellular intercepts both by staff and computers
  • land line intercepts both by staff and computers
  • embargoed email and voice mails for purposes of reading and listening to them
  • use as a training area for all of the above and urban warfare
  • general theft as a result of conspiracy and poor supervision by those with these duties
  • equipment such as amateur radios and scanners sent to Boston front companies using government credit cards with no use in military or intelligence that were taken home by employees
In some cases these were drills or tests of prototypes, in most they were treason.

...says Michelle Richardson, the ACLU’s resident Patriot Act lobbyist. “No one has tipped their hand on this in the slightest. But we’ve come to the conclusion that this is some kind of bulk collection. It wouldn’t be surprising to me if it’s some kind of internet or communication-records dragnet.”

Michelle may want to review the dozens of times I tried to get helped as a near fatally government-maimed person that this government attempted to assassinate through Bilderberg Merck in 1997 to 1998 and then stalked after 9/11.

I reported these goings on that they now pretend are revelations long before they were in the media and it's why in the last days of the Rove steered White House they flew two fighters 31 May 2008 over my parents' house in Dayville, Connecticut, targeting and killing my father with a new weapon. No, I'm not nuts. Yes, my mother and friends know. Hell, I even figure that if a married Congressman I went to school with can trot out his mother and father so can I in a blog...

So it was in Texas that when it appeared that the state was standing up to the TSA whackers, that the federal government responded with a threat of blockading their ports by refusing aircraft entering and exiting Texas.

Of course those in the know, seeing that the Lieutenant Governor was a CIA agent engaged in just these matters in foreign countries over his career, may think this "stand up to the TSA moment" might have been orchestrated, choreographed and staged by him and some Texas legislature aspirants to higher offices to show other states what will happen if they oppose the federal government.

Among all states, Texas did enter the Union as a sovereign country; all states entered voluntarily. Nowhere does it say the Union is permanent, excepting the fraud initiated when Europe's Jewish financiers became involved.

Real or staged, the federal handlers for the anti-Roman and illegal Germanic coup ruling by force since 476 under the countries of the European families would be advised to consult their history and law books.

Threats of blockade against states may in fact serve to make the state into a de facto sovereign country, isolating it and thus backfiring on the Chicagoland thugs.


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