Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jake Tapper lives in a fantasy created by his ethnic group

Are there any "high ranking" Congressmen, agency heads, judges or media front men who are not rich Jews ? Is anyone awake when 2 percent of the population holds this many front jobs ? At minimum it's abject discrimination against the rest of us. We owe them nothing. Millions died in WWII for them, including those in my family.

Their profiteering power cabal with German families like the Windsors, Bourbons and the rest toppled Rome and has victimized the rest of us for 2000 years of setbacks. This Ottaviano knows the truth. I won't be sucked in by your WWII guilt trip after your Bilderberg friends tried to murder me through Merck in 1998.

Now they want to drag the USA into a staged war in Kashmir between Pakistan and Israel's ally India.

So here we are again with Jewish Jake Tapper giving the regime a free ad for their clothing line as he declared:

The birther lie thrived despite the certificate of live-birth candidate Obama posted on his website in 2008, contemporaneous newspaper accounts in the Hawaiian newspapers the Advertiser and Star Bulletin or fact-checking by Politifact and

Do you mean the Adobe file long form birth certificate posted on a fake background with multiple layers of edits from the administration that doesn't even answer its email like George Bush's staff did ?

It doesn't matter if the analysis comes from a conservative or computer analyst and not the regime's corporate propaganda arm, because the Bilderberg steered corporate media surely aren't going to speak the truth:

Since 2003, Soros has spent more than $48 million funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news – journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations.

And that number is an understatement. It is gleaned from tax forms, news stories and reporting. But Soros funds foundations that fund other foundations in turn, like the Tides Foundation, which then make their own donations. A complete accounting is almost impossible because a media component is part of so many Soros-funded operations.

George Soros is a Jewish Nazi conspirator. He sold his poor fellows out to save his skin and profit to this day as part of the rich Jewish-Germanic coup d'etat that brought Hitler to power and was moved here as Operation Paperclip, that a ham radio operator I knew worked on:

The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper...It said report to the rabbi seminary at 9 am...And I was given this list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported."

This shill for Globalists, Jake Tapper, is saying the only truth is the false left wing truth because if the analysis comes from the false right, it must be fake. How biased.

It takes those they tried to murder through Merck, like me, those whose families they unlawfully toppled in Rome, like me and others to pour water on this fire. They (the ancestors of the Jews and Germanics making up Bilderberg and Globalists) knocked us over through assassination and invasion to steal Europe for themselves. And cut the post WWII crap out that if you question Jews, you'r a racist.

They're racists for saying for over 2000 years that a Jew male can marry a goy female but not the other way around, as they rioted for those years and then screamed foul when they were put down under force of law.

They now do the same to Palestinians.

Turning toward what can most easily be described as a Soviet (or Jedi) mind trick, Tapper declares:

A Gallup poll released last week indicate that 65% of those polled say the president “definitely” or “probably” was born in the U.S. Thirteen percent of Americans say the president “definitely” or “probably” was born in another country. Twenty percent say they don’t know enough to form an opinion. These numbers are trending towards the correct belief that the president was born in the U.S.

These numbers are trending towards the correct belief that the president was born in the U.S. ?

So Jake Tapper decides what is "the correct belief" ? Based on an Adobe file that $2 million was spent preventing the release of ?

Pontius Pilate, fifth Prefect of the Roman province of Judaea under Tiberius, said approximately "what is truth ?"

Who are you to declare what's "the correct belief" and not, Jake Tapper and what do you serve ?

We all know, those of us who aren't blinded by bias and can tell both sides of a story.

I'll bet that Jake Tapper thinks Nero fired Rome and that he played the fiddle (not invented until the 16th century) because the post WWII corporate publishers owned and run by the same Globalist Jews told him to say it.

We should have annihilated you when we had the chance, because all you did was come back and try to kill me as I innocently lived my life in 1998.

It's all documented and was all ignored by you Jews in the media, Jake.

That's because a little research showed who my family was and surely, none of you (including the Jews that run the law ragged) were going to help me after cardiomyopathy, neuropathy, a near bleed out, blood transfusions, CHF and vasculitis.


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