Friday, May 27, 2011

Texas is Rome. America might have a Caesar.

Once again I have to make an Alex Jones observation to be fair and balanced unlike corporatist FOX and their pretend "fair and balanced".

For a guy that tells us repeatedly who he's descended from (I'm sure we know he's itching to be President of Texas), he's pretty good about issuing posts entitled words similar to "America has no Caesar" and putting crowns of olive wreaths on Obamatoro's head, along with others, thereby denying Rome and quietly backing the cabal that overthrew Rome and is illegal to this day.

So, I find it amusing that he's talking about the secession of Texas which he denies he's for, even as he talks it up. He was, of course, accurate in his history. Texas can leave when it wants. It'd be fun to watch them toss out the CIA puppet ruling it. It was a sovereign internationally recognized country and the annexation was written that way. Until 1901 it wasn't even clear that the annexation was legal until the Supreme Court decided in the government's favor; that was a surprise.

It amuses me that once again we start the historical and legal clock when it suits the speaker.

I often waged war, civil and foreign, on the earth and sea, in the whole wide world, and as victor I spared all the citizens who sought pardon. As for foreign nations, those which I was able to safely forgive, I preferred to preserve than to destroy. About five hundred thousand Roman citizens were sworn to me. I led something more than three hundred thousand of them into colonies and I returned them to their cities, after their stipend had been earned, and I assigned all of them fields or gave them money for their military service. I captured six hundred ships in addition to those smaller than triremes.

Now, if we give Native American casinos based on 2000 year old verbal evidence, are we willing to arrest, try and convict more people like Mr. Strauss-Kahn and his illegal handlers, based on what's carved in stone across Europe that they staged a coup d'etat against ?


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