Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Secreted Dennis, MA "police officer" shoots himself in hand

That goes a long way and helps me explain why they let me nearly be killed by a drug addict government and MIC asset doctor and his anti-Italian, anti-Goyim Army cohort they knew about who then went on to molest more women as he did in Worcester. They and the Barnstable County Shitasses Office with its federal freeloader contracts then stalked me instead until they got scared in the 2006 election.

Let's see:
  1. Probably unsnap and take gun out of holster (assume loaded and round chambered).
  2. Take safety off gun
  3. Fondle gun
  4. Squeeze trigger as gun pointed at hand
  5. Have former Connecticut Capitol Police Chief / Farmington, CT turned working vacation Chief cover up by not releasing name, age or other information in true Massachusetts style, not that of Connecticut
  6. Google who wrote this and what his "concern in this matter is... why is he so angry ?"
Airlift for hand injury, bill to taxpayer and workman's comp through summer months on boat ?


Here, I'll make it easy since you're stupid and unrepentant. Not even an "I'm sorry".

Thanks to you all who worked there from 1997 to present for nearly getting me killed with a heart that nearly ruptured and effectively ending my Phi Beta Kappa Trinity College life before it started through that government asset doctor you ignored, you under-trained incompetent idiots.

And Brewster, stop shutting the scanner off for Angela Ricard or just for fun if she's gone. The kill switch that you're using or someone is setting you up for was put there for Osama bin CIAden, not government-maimed Americans.

It's a bore. Grow up. Some of you can't even run a diplomatic license plate or foreign license properly.

And stop listening to the bipolar parents of drug addicts and their CIA dba USAID related whatevers.


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