Thursday, May 26, 2011

MedFlight used to prevent nerve damage to moron Dennis cop's little finger, not used for Phi Beta Kappa Caesar descendant near fatality

These people are crooked in their own way. They might not be stopping cars to steal cash over $200 as "evidence" as reported in other states, but this is nonsense. And the Times headline of "hand" turns into a "little finger" in the article itself. What corporatist pro-police reporting.

A local police officer accidentally shot himself in the hand while cleaning his service revolver Wednesday , Police Chief Michael Whalen said.

The police officer, who has not been identified, was flown to a Boston hospital for treatment of a little finger, Whalen said.

The incident took place about 2 p.m. in the upstairs armory at the Dennis Police Station. The officer was cleaning his handgun following a training session at a gun range in Harwich, Whalen said.

Paramedics expressed concern about whether the officer's finger, which remained attached, would require special surgery to prevent nerve damage, Whalen said. A Dennis Fire Department rescue crew took the wounded officer to Barnstable Municipal Airport, where a MedFlight helicopter was waiting to take him to an unidentified Boston hospital.

A helicopter was used for a little finger to prevent nerve damage ?

When my right hand was so nerve damaged that I couldn't move it, my right leg so damaged that the meat was eaten away such that I still can't feel in it, when my gut was bleeding out such that I was losing a pound an hour, and my heart was made double its normal size as the Ft. Detrick bio warfare Army Nazi Jew doctor ignored my reports and told me I was fine in an attempt to murder me for Globalists and Bilderberg... I received no helicopter ride despite acceptable weather.

I couldn't feed myself, goddamn you Dennis Police. Brewster was no better since he lived here.

I'm sure the Chief's father knew my uncle, the Deputy Fire Chief in West Hartford; I realize he wasn't Chief in Dennis when they looked the other way in 1998 and let the government asset bury me investigation-free, but he's behaving no differently by not identifying the idiot who no doubt was working when they helped bury me.

Police are not special. They are often idiots. Blowing your finger off makes you one.

When I was 18 I was asked my plans after school one day by a detective who suggested I consider the job. When I said I was already set for school and then law school, he said "prosecutor ?" I said likely... he said "don't let me interrupt" and so his recruitment ended.

I'm not anti-police. I'm against Globalist "we're better than you" assholes.


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