Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blue skies vandalized

They just can't stop "touching". Not only are you breathing aluminum, barium and strontium, it does wonder s for your radio reception as the particles absorb, attenuate, scatter and refract signals.

Are we ever entitled to blue skies, or will the scientific dictatorship have to be fought like the Reich, captured, tried and hung ?

They're like the little nerds in school whose eyes you wanted to scratch out. You didn't know why then. Now you know why.

This morning started out blue like it used to be before the freaks took to the area, and started their treasonous duty for the 1535 year long anti-Roman Germanic-run coup d'etat that is gripping the USA.

Note that the results of the operation can be seen on radar any time that it's conducted.

The green echoes (the strongest returns) show the center of the sorties against your "FEMA District 1", which they move around and let drift into areas based on wind patterns now. The radar is in Taunton. Don't eve be conned by the corporate shills and USAF / NOAA puppets telling you "those are the strongest echoes closets to the radar" as they often try.

As an aside, FEMA really needs to start answering those FOIA letters hundreds are sending and stop the cover letter blow off hoping they forget. Do you think this is 2005 and you're the NSA ?


Do you spray your wife and your Useless Eater children ?

I have your home addresses.

Would you like me to show you ?

Remember, if you do... you show everyone that you care. And why would that be if you're doing nothing ?

You made me sick. Then you tried to assassinate me. You have the files.

You fear light like so many cockroaches. You hide. You're not "rough men". You're the biggest Useless Eaters of all, controlling the sheep by selling them heaven and hell when all there was when the coup started was what Rome said there was to millions.

I know what you did 31 May 2008.


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