Friday, May 20, 2011

Observers' tweet about ham radio operators

Hams are nutritional experts and offer their guests the very best food.

mirandie24 Mirandie Kelso
What #4hb food can you find to eat at the HAMvention (electronics flea mkt)? Finally found chili. That is all I've had today.
2 minutes ago

I found this good one on Twitter earlier about Dayton Hamvention attendees.

Rachel Young
@RayYo Dayton, OH
Working hamvention=hearing the story of a passed kidney stone a
million times & watching a guy chew on his own hand. Such an awkward
25 minutes ago

She forgot to add whether they were walking around with all they bought (usually bags of connectors after travelling 500 miles), and free hats and mouse pads the the rest of us paid for so these cheap bastards could take a few.

When you tell the companies you actually bought a radio in this collapsing economy (stage two, remember ?) and are physically incapable of going to Dayton through near-death injuries caused by Bilderberg Merck, they refuse to send you a stinking hat even if you offer postage.

They're more corporate shills.


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