Saturday, May 21, 2011

Another Pontifex Minimus headlined by Drudge

With no sign his forecast of Judgment Day arriving on Saturday has come true, the 89-year-old California evangelical broadcaster and former civil engineer behind the pronouncement seemed to have gone silent.

Family Radio, the Christian stations network headed by Harold Camping which had spread his message of an approaching doomsday, was on Saturday playing recorded church music and devotional messages unrelated to the apocalypse.

Could it be that he's actually a fraud in a way that no one has mentioned ?

Could his real goal be to prove that it's all a hoax by getting the world's attention and showing it didn't actually happen any more than any other hooey ?



It's the spiritual half of the control structure developed thousands of years ago to con you into obeying temporal fools who are often more stupid than you, but think that because you don't pull a sword or gun on them or their parasitic security forces that they're the smartest one in the room.

They con you into obeying and throwing money at temporal officials with weapons handing each other posts and contracts lest you "burn".

Ask how the Vatican dares insert its holidays into the same days my family used. They declare them every year. Witness Easter. If they want authenticity they need to try calculating a birth date for Jesus instead of using a Roman Imperial festival date. They're not my family and they're not the Roman Empire. They were and are reticent to pick different dates, if they were such a new religion handed down by God.

They used the same dates because it was what the sheep knew under Roman rule.

This is not to say there is no God or gods. This is to say man hasn't met them yet.

They killed all the people they wanted until 1648 and beyond. They stole all the wealth they could, however.

Give it back.


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