Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cleon Turner's Snow Job: Snow-clearing law gets little traction

Linda Coleman, 59, cleans off her car Tuesday in her Captain Ellis Lane driveway. She has no patience for those who drive with snow on their cars. “It really aggravates me,” she said.

Well Linda you can come to my house and clean my car anytime you want because I'm not dying for you after I nearly did repeatedly already in this state of stupid laws when the real ones go unenforced.

To recap, in 1998 and starting 18 months before at age 23, I was maimed by a drug addict doctor the Board of Registry in Medicine, state and local cops knew about named Kenneth P. Patterson. He was on probation from his time in Worcester for admitting in writing to the Board molesting a disabled woman. After he maimed me while he was using cocaine, he did it again to a Dennis-Yarmouth High School girl. He then simply didn't show up at his practice one day and hid with his girlfriend for several years off-Cape.

The state and local "officials" failed to hang it on his forehead though.

The Cape Cod Times protected his identity, writing instead about Dr Biliouris who later handed my medical records to Schutzstaffel funded Merck without my consent such that I have no copy. In those days, Cape Cod was Happyville and none of the doctors used drugs.


Now what these bozos want is for all you disabled people to get off your fat asses and clean your cars.

He personally didn't give a damn when I nearly died thanks to Merck, the FDA, Patterson and Paul Sklarew, "the Biological Warfare Army Jew". Like Rep. O'Leary and crooked James Ehrhart, who are both now gone thanks god(s), there was just never anything they could do. It's strange because Sandwich PD skewered a black doctor who didn't even maim his patients. Not the same case, but what permanent injuries did he cause ? None.

Cleon the cop turned lawyer is from Dennis, so you can see how he wouldn't want a Phi Beta Kappa progeny of Octavian with no arrests soiling the fine reputation of his town by going after a transient bum doctor that the PD (and other nearby businesses) were using for their workman's comp claims. After all, his kids were safe and he was working in Cairo. Now he shills for the Globalist's Global Warming scam on the state level. Let's see. He worked in Cairo which is run in more ways than one by the Globalist puppet Mubarak. Now he sits on the state House Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change.

Cui bono ?

But at least someone has common sense as opposed to the Cape Cod fools.

...Hunt said he's not ready to sign on to Turner's bill. "I generally do not want to see the Legislature legislating common sense and it is common sense to brush off your car," Hunt said. "I would rather people be responsible for doing the right thing."

If you have a debilitating stroke or heart attack, or simply drop dead, it'd be all good to them, no exceptions. That's because injuries earn the PD, FD and CCH their salaries, and if you don't clean, they'll earn their mortgage payment off your back through a ticket. And, when they scrape you off your driveway they can buy your "affordable housing" from your heirs.

As a retired insurance agent, the 88-year-old Falmouth man knows the importance of clearing off every inch of his car before hitting the road.

"It drives me bananas," Michalowski said. "People drive around and only have a little peephole to look through."

Brennan just cited a Useless Eater from a career in insurance. How unbiased. They steal your money for 30 years then when they have to pay out, they make it back and ruin your credit score (because they're very related in the work of fiction they've concocted).

Seriously, folks, if a man who is approaching 90 can gear up to brush and scrape his car, how are you in good conscience going to drive off this morning with a hint of flakes on your car, truck or SUV?

Now George Brennan who also ignored my saga, anytime you want to clean my car you can, but I won't die for you Eaters. None of you rich Cape Codders died for me or helped me or my family without being paid handsomely. See, George writes for Rupert Murdoch's Cape Cod Times and Rupert's son sits on the board of... a drug company ! George and fellows wasn't interested in writing articles about Merck. Rupert regularly prevents articles about vaccines from appearing in his papers as revealed on Alex Jones this week.

"(People) need to take a few extra minutes and not only clear off their windows and make sure they're defrosted, but take the excess snow off their roof, hood and rear," Yarmouth Deputy Police Chief Steven Xiarhos said.

Now, I realize he was mild about it in the interview, but Xiarhos should have a little more compassion after his family suffered than aim from the hip that everyone can clean their car, that everyone can stay home until it melts, or that everyone can pay or has friends to clean the car. Really, we've all lived the Xiarhos saga for years now. Who lived mine ? His family isn't broke from his as unfortunate as it was. He's still getting a big paycheck. I'll end up in a homeless shelter, dead or in revolt against the United States like the Egyptians, thanks to do nothing cops and legislators.

Who were you to maim me with impunity ?

Police have the authority to cite drivers for impeded operation or for having their license plates covered up, Xiarhos said, but officers usually use traffic stops as teachable moments.

Now, on the other hand, Turner has attempted to go after the trucks that are fully able to clear the snow. They're million dollar companies, not maimed human beings. That bill has of course fallen on deaf ears because you can't touch the racketeer truck companies and the cops don't show up to testify when he does !

"Surprisingly, one of the biggest walls I hit was the Department of Public Safety wasn't interested in it passing," Turner said.

A state trooper who worked on the Massachusetts Turnpike initially urged Turner to file the bill, but when it came time to testify, only a few local police officers were willing to throw their support behind the measure.


Turner has repeatedly filed two bills; one would require all drivers to remove snow from their vehicles before driving. The other, which he feels is a higher priority, targets 18-wheelers. That bill would require any vehicle with a roof 10 square feet or larger to remove snow and ice that's a quarter of an inch or more deep. The penalties range from a $50 fine to $500 if flying ice results in personal injury.

Personal injury ? Orleans PD should teach Mid-Cape Home Center to not let drivers of any kind leave their yard with materials tied only in one direction. I had all the antennas sheared of the roof of my car and nearly crashed two years ago on the Mid Cape when a stack of insulating foam blew off the roof of an Eater who had it tied in only one direction. They did nothing because two weeks ago a person was taken to CCH with injuries from just that kind of crash in the same area !

I'm betting that the cops and Cleon the cop turned legislator don't want to touch Mid-Cape Home Centers, either. It's owned by another Cape Cod family that got off the leaky boat of religious rejects from England and lets us know it every Thanksgiving, or any other chance they get.

Did I say I'm from Octavian's family ? We ruled the Roman Empire you unlawfully invaded and destroyed.

Legiones redde, you Visigoth dogs.

We ruled Rome when you were shoeing horses. Who were you to ignore us, over and over and over when we were here before half of you ?

Why do you think history starts when you got off the stinking Mayflower when this continent was declared Roman 1200 years before you ? History starts when you staged a coup d'etat against us because you benefit.... you think. You ignore Vikings, Chinese and African explorers to preserve your place in the control grid as well.

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