Saturday, February 12, 2011

Coopted liars.

Drudge carries as his headline at this hour:

By saying 'WHO ?" Drudge is trying to deliver the feeling that Daniels is an unknown outsider.

Well folks, CPAC is another Globalist sham that will be glad to let you choose from their list of approved, vetted and order taking shills.

At CPAC, Daniels said:

“We will need people who never tune in to Rush or Glenn or Laura or Sean. Who surf past C-SPAN to get to SportsCenter. Who, if they’d ever heard of CPAC, would assume it was a cruise ship accessory.”

Go to CPAC and what do you find at the title bar ? Look up there ! What unknowns ! What men and women of the people !

America, you're being lied to and used. You've been taken over by a coup d'etat. And you don't seem to care.

“We must display a heart for every American, and a special passion for those still on the first rung of life’s ladder.”

Where's the Cost of Living Allowance increase for the poor after you staged this Depression at Bilderberg 2008 and had the gall to leak it and threats of martial law ? Where are the names of people like me in the list below that you maimed for your corporate handlers to make billions a year ? Few of you even had the brain to get into Phi Beta Kappa. Some of you were junkies or habitual drunkards that now pontificate to the unemployed, obese or even the physically injured about what is possible in a Goebbels-like stream of lies repeated until they're believed as the master himself advised. Start by shoving Unicru software used by hourly employers and created by spooks up your Military Industrial Complex asses and it might be possible for them to get off the "first rung".

Keep pretending. The mosquitoes are going to become thicker now as you found out in Egypt.

Roughly 11,000 are registered for the conference, which ends Saturday. Many of them are college students.

Here they are assembled for a group photo.

I'm still a registered Republican and I think that of them ! Visigoths. Usurpers of Roman law then; usurpers of the Constitution now.

Look at this long guest list that reads like a Neocon Who's Who. These are the people who engineered Egypt, where you also got to choose from a list of the same tired old corporate, Visigoth and Jewish "conservative" shills. It never ends. All they're conserving is their own place in U.S. government and the broadcasting apparatus (or as a ham I know said "The Ministry of Truth").

If anyone still thinks the family Paul is independent after this, and doesn't think that they're a safety valve hissing away, a bit bucket for out of district emails and a trash pail for out of district letters... please wake up from the likely MK Ultra induced trance you're in.

Rep. Michele Bachmann
Gov. Haley Barbour
Hon. John Bolton
Andrew Breitbart
Arthur Brooks
Herman Cain
Ann Coulter
Gov. Mitch Daniels
Hon. Newt Gingrich
David Horowitz
Wayne LaPierre
Sen. Mike Lee
Sen. Mitch McConnell
Rep. Ron Paul
Sen. Rand Paul
Hon. Tim Pawlenty
Gov. Rick Perry
Hon. Mitt Romney
Hon. Donald Rumsfeld
Rep. Paul Ryan
Hon. Rick Santorum
Phyllis Schlafly
Sen. John Thune
Rep. Allen West

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