Thursday, February 3, 2011

Does Ben Fleck, K2LYE, father of a USCG command officer, say they're Tanto ?

Or in typical Massachusetts (and New York) fashion are only Italians subject to ridicule ? With how I've seen you treat certain groups like Arabs or Brazilians even as you ass kiss others like African-Americans and "Native" Americans, you might want to rethink why you were handed 9/11.

So, the father of a very high ranking female USCG officer in the Pacific Northwest spent 30 minutes on the Falmouth, Massachusetts ham radio repeater on Monday night insulting Italians by using the word Guido over and over.

Does the father of the USCG officer have a name for Jews or blacks ? Or is it once again a case where the Anglo gets to insult and ridicule Italians as revenge for the Roman Empire ?

Does he have any names like "Tanto" or "red man" for the "natives" that scalped and raped settlers in Wethersfield, Connecticut onion fields thereby triggering King Philip's War in the 17th century ? Or is he another stupid Anglo that thinks they're noble, innocent people ? The truth is that they were murdering savages that didn't like the retaliation.

Guido ? You pompous government parasite WASPs.

Yawn. Will this display be funding his Master's degree or a doctorate ?

"We have found that there is a deficiency here at the National Seashore; we don't interpret the native story, which goes back thousands of years," Burke said. "We tend to kind of pick up the story at Champlain or the Pilgrims' contact period."

Also due soon in the park museum: a display of 2,000-year-old native artifacts uncovered at the Carns archaeological site at Coast Guard Beach during the early 1990s. And the exhibit will include contemporary Wampanoag arts and crafts and oral histories, Burke said.

I'm so sick and tired of this murdering, maiming government kissing the ass of those people with casinos and grants as the government parasites at three levels are stalking and harassing people like my family. Look at them. Do they look like Indians to you ? They're black.

It's the same government that kisses "Queen" Betty Hanover's (Windsor) ass that defines blacks as Indians by virtue of some 2000 year oral tradition as it mocks Ottavianos as being insane for being descended from Octavian and the Julio-Claudians that their Visigoth ancestors overthrew.

Cui bono ?

Why don't you render them persona non grata like you did to us ? Most were two bit traitors that sided with the French against the British when you were British subjects, and sided with the British against the Revolution.

Still this government has them build huts that are no doubt a composite of many styles of living since they were long since living in the free housing you gave them . They were too drunk to work and can't possibly know what they were living in. What a sham.

The Noble Savage of Thomas Jefferson lives.

They get the casino and my USPS parcel goes in circles as the Postal Inspector pigs won't answer; the Kenyan CIA asset President's staff won't answer, unlike George Bush's staff.

I'll say it again. You're backers of an unlawful coup d'etat that went unchallenged by us for 1550 years.

You Bilderberg freaks never met the likes of me before and you created me when you maimed me for life using Merck and brought me to within an hour of death.

Legiones redde.

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