Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's just Collateral Damage, not lives to the Bilderberg drones

Those killed and maimed by the diplomatic van below are just like I was to Merck. They were collateral damage to more Bilderbergers.

Right now, Drudge says this about the "journalist" elites:

Mubarak to Amanpour: 'If I Resign Today There Will Be Chaos'...
Egyptian army starts rounding up journalists...
UN to evacuate staff...
Kenneth Cole tweets: Egypt is rioting over our spring collection...
Jon Stewart Jokes: 'Hands off Anderson Cooper!'
Diplomatic van drives through crowd...
CBSNEWS Lara Logan, Crew Detained...
FOXNEWS reporter, cameraman beaten, hospitalized...

Too bad about those smart mouthed reporters. Did you know Anderson Cooper worked for the CIA ?

"Worked". Sure. That's sort of a conflict of interest to most Egyptians, I'm sure.

As was said here already, poor abused Amanpour is a CFR member, and she's married to Madeline Albright's walking stick, James Rubin. In 2007, Amanpour was made a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) by "Queen" Betty Hanover.

In 2010, the Roman Empire awarded Betty Hanover the title of Visigoth Usurper of the Roman Empire (VUORE).

Nothing's going on; you're paranoid. Go back to eating.

Andrea Mitchell, married to the surveyor of the Bilderberg 2008 planned economic collapse landscape, Alan Greenspan.

Nothing's going on; you're paranoid. Go back to eating.

Should I keep going down the list of intermarried usurpers or just stick to the ones that are directly related to present events ?

Nothing's going on; you're paranoid. Go back to eating.

Mubarak told Amanpour he'll never fire on citizens. That's what he said officially.

Didn't he get a copy of REX 84 from planner Oliver North ?

Nothing's going on; you're paranoid. Go back to eating.

11 September 9

11 September 2001

Legiones redde.

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