Saturday, February 12, 2011

Relieving Lafayette of his command

Because they don't have a Walmart to distract them, a week doesn't go by in the Cape Cod Times that the Eaters aren't reminded by Rupert Murdoch's henchmen of their place in the Cape Cod "social structure", unless they're black or one millionth part Wampanoag, in which case they're special.

Usually it's a weekly article on what Pilgrim some businessman is descended from, as if the world cares about people that compiled a document that made everyone except themselves second class citizens. We are talking about religious rejects who couldn't behave in England and then used words like Strangers to describe the sailors and tradesmen keeping them alive here.

They continue it to today. It's an unfortunate story, but the lame linkage to Cape Cod as they pander for a place in history is idiotic. This is not to disrespect Lafayette, but rather, to ask that we stop putting descendants of historical figures on a pedestal that those of Rome don't have by the design of those usurper families still pandering for recognition.

All their wealth was stolen from Rome after 476. They have trillions of dollar equivalents in total. I sit here wheezing and gagging every day of my life thanks to them and their friends at Bilderberg and that directly includes Merck.

In Orleans mourns France's Marquis de Lafayette kin (or so they think) they celebrate the descendants of the Visigoth usurpers of Rome, the Mercenary Adventurer of Two Worlds, the fabled Marquis de Lafayette. For starters, the French government didn't enter the War until they were damn sure the British weren't going to win and they could give George III (of Hanover) a bloody nose. How noble.

Who died and gave them their titles ?

We did.

I find an article about the Lafayettes as useless as 300 million Americans would find an article about the Ottavianos. Who cares ! A single article might be public interest but when they're publishing family after family they think you should know about every week, they're maintaining their place in the "social order" of a place that doesn't matter and is ridiculed over the two bridges.

With all he was going through, the count asked to be remembered by his friends in Orleans and hoped to see them soon, Dunham said.

Oh please. My father dropped dead in front of me when I was 35 and he was 62. Get a grip, man, those billions you have will go far. I have nothing thanks to you people.

As he did every time he has come to town, the count last year laid a wreath at the grave of Isaac Snow, the Orleans man who escaped from a British prison ship during the American Revolution with the help of Lafayette's ancestor. As the story goes, Snow walked 400 miles across France to get a ride home on a ship bearing Lafayette's troops to the United States.

Wow ! An insignificant Cape Cod goober took a long walk. Who cares. Tell Bilderberg Merck to lay them at the grave of every innocent person they kill, and tell Bilderberg members to lay them at the grave of every soldier not allowed to develop a family thanks to your wars of fraud, power and profit.

When I die, I want the Count to remember what his Visigoth ancestors now represented by "royal families" across Europe did to Rome, and what his Bilderberg friends at Merck did to me.

Legiones redde.

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