Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Smart Meters run by Stupid NSTAR Spies like Justin

NSTAR is a crooked company. Everyone knows that except the military industrial parasites that work for them.

In 2005 we all froze when they couldn't get in gear and repair the power. They spent more time whining than working. I ended up half dead in the hospital from a lung infection after 3 days in a 32 degree building. Additionally, the towns did as moronic a planning job with their shelters which were already full of old people using them as a social activity from before the power ever went out.

For months since the installation of the "smart meters" we have had power surges. Because it was summer, at first it looked like they were adjusting the voltage for the power use.

You just keep going in circles with these bums artificial corporate bureaucracy as I did five years ago when there was broadband power line noise (RFI) being given off and they ignored it until an old timer there fixed it. And I mean they ignored it because the smart mouths never even pulled a repair ticket. After all, what does the Phi Beta Kappa know in the face of someone handed a job by a relative. Now they're analyzing data, they're telling the right person, and all the usual military industrial blow off crap that gets them their mortgage payment and you damaged and destroyed property and a house fire.

On New Year's Eve their garbage smart meter fried a piece of my property after months of us begging.

The monkeys have tried to shift their twice daily power polling of the meter to night as if I won't hear all my back up power supplies going on.

Now it became apparant that as I chided them, they are no good spooks as well.

The jerk "working" on it was Technology Integration Project Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Lincoln Laboratory and an Information Systems Security Manager at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics after being a HMLA Combat Aircrew and Force Technology at United States Marine Corps (yawn, you and how many millions ?)

Wow, that means he gets to walk all over Octavian's Phi Beta Kappa progeny, doesn't it ?

Based on a rich ham I met who worked at MIT Lincoln that cajoled this maimed man into lowering the price on a nearly new ham radio HT after my father dropped dead and took his pension with him, the word "insane" and a few ethnic ones comes to mind. I know they don't understand the Constitution either. Opportunist vulture.

So that's pretty good after I accused NSTAR of staging government security drills to test their garbage meters, a fact that was reported by the GAO the week I said it. It all fell into place including the spook employee they put on the case to blow it off.

I just said it first. So strange, again.

The Massachusetts criminal conspiracy of silence is ignoring as they threaten to burn down homes and businesses and destroy your property with power surges with their Globalist trash that's being monitored by former MIT and Lockheed spooks.

...growing numbers of Edison customers across the valley say their bills have increased, in some cases more than doubling, since the new meters were installed.

Others report post-installation power surges that have burned out light bulbs and other appliances.

Yes, they're all lying but the military industrial complex smart meter manufacturers and the power companies run by spooks like Justin are telling the truth. The sidebar states:

Because smart meters run on wireless technology, they also raise health and privacy issues for some consumers.

Meter opponents say the emission of radio frequencies by the meters can cause a range of health problems, from headaches and sleeplessness to heart problems and increased cancer risks.

Some consumers also are worried about the security of data collected from the meters, which they say could provide detailed information on their electric use, daily routines and lifestyle.

Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a smart meter data protection law in September to ensure utilities do not share any customer information from the new meters without a person's consent.

On the health front, a recent study from the California Council on Science and Technology reported that the level of emissions from smart meters is less than from many other home appliances. But the council also said not all the potential side effects of the meters are known and more study is needed.

Assemblyman Jared Huffman, D-Marin, has introduced a bill in the state Legislature that would allow consumers to request a hard-wired meter rather than the wireless devices now being installed.

The hearing called by State Senator Dean Florez drew a standing room only crowd of folks upset about their PG&E bills. Florez opened the Fresno meeting saying, "We really would like to get to the bottom of some of these skyrocketing power bills."

Cynthia Baldwin is among many Fresno customers who saw their bills double, tripled or even quadruple over the summer. She said, "How did my bill go from 3 hundred dollars to almost 11 hundred, it didn't make such sense."

Now, concerns are rising over the health effects from electromagnetic waves produced by smart meters, a key cleantech technology to increase building efficiency in homes and businesses.

Meters produce more electromagnetic radiation than cell phones, which have been the subject of extensive research and health concern.

In California, the Marin County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed an ordinance that calls smart meters a public nuisance in some areas. In addition to health risks, the board cited concerns about using meters to invade peoples' privacy by collecting information about their activities.

The board asked the California Public Utilities Commission to declare a moratorium on meters, following the lead of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The towns of Fairfax, Watsonville, and Santa Cruz County have also passed laws banning meters.

Pacific Gas & Electric Co says they will continue installing the meters, which should be finished by the end of 2012 to comply with a state mandate.

According PG&E, the meters will detect power outages faster, provide residents with hourly and daily summaries of their energy use, and will alert them when they're about to enter a higher pricing tier because of the amount of energy they used.

These are government mandated spy meters. They want to charge you more at peak use times. They want to watch what you do every hour. They want cops to be able to guess what you're doing in your house by inferring by how much power you use. They also cause illegal interference to federally licensed ham radio operators who use the 902-928 MHz band that the spy smart meters use according to reports and research of FCC docs.

While we're on the topic, throw in your town's water meter too. The smart meters built by Neptune and others allow your water department to watch you minute by minute. Is that not the equivalent of telling you when to shit ?

Legiones redde !

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