Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Synagogue torched in Tunisia when Israel is a much better spot for one

Arsonists set fire to a synagogue in the southern Gabes region of Tunisia, a leader of the local Jewish community said Tuesday.

Oh no !

"Someone set fire to the synagogue on Monday night and the Torah scrolls were burned," Trabelsi Perez told AFP, criticising the lack of action by the security services to stop the attack.

Someone burned your stupid replaceable copies of the fraudulent man made rules that you all ignore anyway !

"What astonished me was that there were police not far from the synagogue," added Perez, who is also head of the Ghriba synagogue on the island of Djerba, the oldest synagogue in Africa.

In 410 you and your mercs dumped out all my ancestors ashes when you rioted and they invaded Rome !

Oh no !

Why don't you worry about who your Merck brethren are murdering tonight ?

Yawn. I wasted a year of my life studying those terrorists ? No, not the Muslims... the ones my great uncle died saving.

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