Thursday, May 12, 2011

Connecticut gives you a Gold Star so you can shop in 2017 (if you comply with identification tyranny)

Reading more about the SelectCT ID offered as voluntary right now but mandatory in 2017 after a few more false flags and the sting arrests of more terrorist look-alike mental defectives, we find that:

These identity-checked driver licenses and DMV-issued identification cards are part of a federal program showing that the credential holders meet a federal identity standard that might be used in 2017 or later for entering federal buildings, boarding an airplane or doing commercial transactions. Six-year renewals of Connecticut licenses and IDs make it necessary to start the program now so that everyone has an opportunity to get the verification prior to 2017.

So if in 2017 you don't have a gold star, used by the Bilderberg scam artist coup plotters' Nazi German predecessors and their British cousins to identify poor Jews as if they were chattel slaves the first time around, your government will not let you do "commercial transactions" ?

I don't give a damn about their stinky aluminum can herd mentality mass transit since due to their slow-kill attempted murder of me in 1997 through 1998, I can't.

I do care about identifying myself to buy a hot dog.

These usurpers of the Roman Empire and my family are out to make you show who you are to buy in a store. It's the Mark of the Beast, folks, and I don't care about their man made religious bureaucracy that they use as another element of control as the Empire did, but they do.

And in the time between now and then, these lunatic Bible thumpers are going to try to trigger a staged war in Kashmir because we all know they're not going to trash Israel taking their staged stand there.

Is there anyone awake now ? Are they just too big a bunch of cowards to act ?

The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles on October 3 will start a new program called Select CT ID for customers renewing driver licenses and DMV-issued ID cards. It stems from national security measures and federal identification standards resulting from the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S.

The Bushes and their bin Laden business partners, Bilderberg Zbiginew Brzezinski that created the Mujahideen and the rest, staged or ignored those attacks. And ignore the "conspiracy" talk. Should Bush Sr have been in a meeting with the bin Ladens the morning of 9/11 ?

Were you ?

Why are we the ones jumping through hoops ? What's wrong with the medicated public ?

Did anyone in your family attack on 9/11, or did theirs ?

Not any one of them was fired after 9/11 at any level in any state or agency. The closest we came was a sobbing Jane Swift, former MassPort director and Trinity College bottom feeder being told not to run again (apparently forever) as punishment by Bush and the GOP after her dual role screw up. Globalist Time spun for her:

Meanwhile, a second round of blows was heading her way, and these were not of her own making: the two planes that slammed into the World Trade Center on September 11th originated at Boston's Logan airport.

She was the head of MassPort and Governor when the attacks happened yet they absolved her ? Yet it wasn't two days later that she was hung out to dry by the same rag:

She was tainted by a patronage scandal at her former employer, Massport and was put on the spot for lax oversight when two of the Sept. 11 terrorists sailed through Logan Airport security.

So why is the innocent public being sold this theater that now is said to authorize you to shop in a store in 2017 ?

It is also designed to offer residents additional protection against identity theft. DMV will offer these customers renewing driver licenses and DMV-issued ID cards the option to have the same identity verification that existing federal and state standards give to new license and ID card applicants. It will also become an historical record at the DMV should you have a problem with identity theft. This identity verification is a one-time review of original identity documents.


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