Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cut the photo dance

Leon Panetta says:

And then there is the question of how many times bureaucrats can say "gruesome".

What you're really doing is passing it around all the network censors until the Owl's eyes light up and Care is over.

What was Zapruder frame 313 in 1963 when you did it the last time ?

Why is the media doing this birth certificate-like dance ? They're passing it around all the network censors until the Owl's eyes light up and Care is over.

If the reason is respect, fine.

Otherwise, cut the crap you Bilderberg Germanic Jewish financed Globalist coup sock puppet.

This is like watching a wrestler march around the ropes egging on the audience with his arms waving.

And at least in Rome, we eventually gave the thumbs down and gave the plebs their thrill.


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