Friday, May 6, 2011

Drudge: Al Qaeda Playbook Revealed ?

His headline should read Al Qaeda Reprints Revealed.

The US military regularly, since World War I, uses sources like the ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications in whole or part for its manuals.

The cache of electronic and handwritten materials obtained by the SEALs includes numerous hallmark al Qaeda plots including attacks on infrastructure targets such as water supply and transportation including rail and air, in what one official described as a "strategic guide for how to attack the U.S." In the past, al Qaeda planned for attacks on water supplies have included an interest in mining dams and in poisoning water supply. Intelligence experts have also have found what appears to be information about safe houses around the world and about al Qaeda leadership.

Al Qaeda was handed these materials by the US military and CIA over the years fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. They downloaded and bought and photocopied the rest. They combined them with those of other countries. They translated them like European monks.

"Strangely," much of what ABC reports mysteriously sounds like it was written stateside and taken from the United States' own manuals.

That's because it was.

Search for US Fleet Marine Force Field Training Manual - Destruction by Demolition, Incendiaries and Sabotage, free on GoogleNSACIA.

Or, Simple Sabotage Field Manual [Kindle Edition]
United States Office of Strategic Services.

This just gets more absurd by the hour.


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