Tuesday, May 10, 2011

HAARP churns up another fake storm for MIC operatives

While nearby areas like Hartford and Worcester enjoyed clear weather in the high 60s yesterday, the Massachusetts Hanscom AFB based HAARP experiment churned on over a largely clueless Cape Cod public.

They were busy backing an absurd manufactured storm up to Cape Cod from east to west that was created by spraying the area off the coast with the usual toxins, and then exciting the particles using RF.

Note the gap in data indicated by the white columns yesterday as it ramped up, a facet often repeated and often denied by those who would have you believe they patented it, built it, and are gazing wistfully at it rather than using it. Those gaps are caused by them shutting down the spectrum monitors so they don't get overloaded by their own work.

This "work" resulted in the usual high speed pulsed winds now observed and cited by those not on the government take with the usual rapid rise time that results in rushing sounds. Note the satellite photo to the right shows the largely unpredicted sham storm, which now appears as a cyclone in keeping with the HAARP and spraying patents.

Similarly today, Cape Cod is cloudy with the usual unnatural white Permacloud and 50, while Connecticut is sunny and 65.

At least last night, local ham radio operators finally started to question the manufactured pulsed winds.


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