Friday, May 6, 2011

More Mythology: SEALs missed from feet away. Indoors.

In Saxby Chambliss: First shot at Osama bin Laden was a miss we see the mythology continue to be embellished by adding in the "nobody's perfect" element. When you add that into a story, you create plausibility for idiots.

That's also a strange claim when yesterday they were saying he was taken prisoner and then shot. Shot when he reached for something, shot for the hell of it, whatever:

The SEALS encountered bin Laden on the third floor of the compound, after blowing a door that led down a hallway, Chambliss said.

”They blew the door open, and they looked down the hallway and he stuck his head out of the room that he was in, and saw them, and ducked back in. They fired a shot, and missed him the first time – and then went to the room. And that’s when they killed him.”

Chambliss added this:

“They did in fact find an AK-47 and a pistol in bin Laden’s room. Whether he was making any move to get to that is not clear. But taking him down in pitch-dark conditions was the right thing to do.”

SEALs missed from feet away ? Indoors ? Wearing night vision that's hundreds of times better than average equipment ?

And were they real guns as they "shot" dead the world's most important intelligence catch with many if not all the answers, or were there more green and orange squirt guns as in the Reuters release ?

Since I'm not being paid, here's an unlinked list of the mythology:

Armed / Unarmed
Family / No family
Captured first / Not captured / Shot in head after captured
Firefight / No firefight
Dialysis / No dialysis
Used woman as shield / Didn't use her / She jumped in front
She is dead / She is not dead
She is his wife / She is a relative / She is neither
Helicopter failed from mechanics in heat / Helicopter failed from lack of lift


Nero didn't play the fiddle because there were none until the 16th century. The Roman Army was recalled and attacked Judea because their tribe assassinated Nero.

Jessica Lynch told the truth, not them, and Pat Tillman was killed by "friendly" fire.

9, 68, 410 and 476 to 2011 AD

It's a coup.


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