Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Obama Osama scam

The criminals in government (that will get us ten bonus jet flyovers spraying trails like yesterday at noon) need to stop making a false debate out of releasing a photo of bin Laden to distract the public yet again. They've released many before.

That's a strange remark, when the government released their own President's under the same conditions.

You're not kinder and you're not gentler. That was why last night I posted the frame from the Zapruder film. Isn't that "gruesome" ? That was 1963.

A Hartford Courant online poll says 71 percent (1069 voting yes) want a photo released.

Either release it or don't but stop using it for more bread and circus. And the lies continue beyond that staged debate.

...Pakistani security agencies also arrested two women and six children, aged between 2 and 12 years, after American forces flew toward Afghanistan. Some reports suggest 16 people, including women and children, were arrested from the house, most of them Arab nationals.

Why don't we know the exact total days later ?

How do you arrest a 2 year old let alone a 12 year old ?

What's an Arab national ? What country is Arabia ? There isn't one.

Bin Laden was known to be afflicted with renal failure.

If he was, then how did he outlive all the experts that said he was dead from it years ago given the precise care required for such a patient ?

And how did a 54 year old kidney failure patient open a can of firefight with 30 year old SEALs ?

Similarly, according to information Pakistani officials collected from detained persons, Osama was neither armed nor did inmates at the compound fire at the US choppers or commandos.

There was a firefight and the al-Qaeda leader was "killed in that firefight," Brennan said. There was a woman who was used "to shield bin Laden from the incoming fire." The woman killed in the raid was bin Laden's wife, Brennan said: "She was positioned in a way that indicated that she was being used as a shield."

And bin Laden was killed because he resisted capture. "If we had the opportunity to take him alive, we would have done that," Brennan told reporters at the briefing.

Then there's the precedent setting Carney Doctrine that "resistance does not require a firearm." When the soldiers return home and become police officers, they can now kill you, unarmed.

As the U.S. assault team entered the room where bin Laden was with his wife, she rushed the "assaulter" and was shot in the leg, Carney said. Bin Laden was also shot as he resisted the "assaulter." He "was not armed" but "resistance does not require a firearm," Carney said.

"It was a highly volatile firefight. He resisted. The U.S. personnel on the ground handled themselves with the utmost professionalism," Carney said.

It looks more like the utmost fiction from somewhere as the days go by. It's strange the Cabinet was sitting in a room around a table watching it live, but there are so many different stories for something recorded on audio and video, (maybe) unlike Hitler.


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