Thursday, May 5, 2011

Unarmed man taken to Post Office for Interrogation as "predicted"

Today in New York, planted "witnesses" complete with photos of the "deed" caused a man now admitted to be unarmed to be dragged into a Post Office by the Secret Service.

If he was in Burlington, MA he'd at least have needed an umbrella for that treatment and if in Boston, a Lite Brite.

But here we are again, anyway...

Obama had just left the World Trade Center site and his motorcade was turning from Vessey Street to Church Street when the incident occurred in front of the Church Street Station Post Office.

The man was taken into the post office as dozens of officers from various organizations arrived to assist.

Two photographers, from the New York Daily News and the Associated Press, snapped photos of the man as he was taken down. They went into the post office with police to show them the photos.

So much for journalistic neutrality, especially given the obvious lack of a warrant or evidence.

Are they only neutral when they whine like girls in foreign countries they're being "harassed" in ?

Still, what is most interesting is the choice of venue for interrogation, given evidence and articles in the last year:

We have received documents from a military source indicating that U.S. Postal Service facilities across the country are expanding the construction of secretive criminal investigation rooms, which some fear will be used to detain American citizens in the event of a national emergency, bioterror attack or pandemic.

The documents (PDF) show architectural floor plans for criminal investigation rooms that would be housed within existing U.S. Postal Service buildings. The blueprints show “secret rooms” within post offices where, the source claims, “families will be separated” in the event of martial law being declared...

The fact that such rooms are being constructed inside post offices is verified. We discovered this web page which talks about how an architecture firm called IPG Architects constructed a “Criminal Investigative Office” within the Macon Post Office in Macon, Georgia. The new documents describe similar rooms being constructed in Lake Forest, Illinois and Gurnee, Illinois.

If only these skilled people were around when Nero was alive, their descendants would be shoeing my horse instead of lying to you through the continuing anti-Roman coup they ignorantly serve to pay their mortgage.


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