Sunday, May 15, 2011

USA frets over 10,000 year old Natives as it illegally sends officials to unrepresentative Bilderberg ignoring 1943 years of Romans they usurped

The USA is very worried about representation for those their European family and banker handlers don't inherently fear. Native Americans from 10,000 to present day must be represented fairly. Romans from 3000 years ago to present day must be ignored and rendered persona non grata at all costs, including murdering innocent people like me.

History for the coup d'etat starts in 476 when they seated themselves after kidnapping and assassinating two Roman Emperors in a year. As part of this coup d'etat, they ignore those who ruled before they broke the law to seize control and wealth.

Their Germanic ancestors and their Jewish partners rioted, rioted, and rioted some more, before embarking on outright assassination against Roman government officials to seize power to this day. They did this in fits and starts in 9, 68, 410 and 476 to 2011.

Think about this. They are illegal. Everything you know is a fraud. They are the usurpers. How does law spring from those who are in power by seizing it illegally ? In their biographies and books, they literally say they are descended from the Goth and Visigoth kings that staged unlawful coups against Rome.

Try doing it to them now for their murder, pillage, rape, looting and conspiracy, especially since the fall of 2008. Their mentally defective security forces wouldn't even understand that a government is not lawful if it's built on 1943 years of fraud.

The bankers and families that rule the planet solely by the tip of gun because they are illegal usurpers of the Roman Empire send members to Bilderberg now.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Why is this country sending government officials to confer with descendants of the families of Europe that assassinated members of my family, the Julio Claudian officials of the Roman Empire ?

The Cape Cod National Seashore staff wanted to include the Cape's big picture from the glacial period to the modern day in their renovated Salt Pond Visitor Center.

So they included the Wampanoag, who have been on the Cape and Islands for more than 10,000 years.

"In my opinion, the story of the native people has been pretty vacant," Seashore Superintendent George Price said. "We felt it was a major omission."

This government, dominated by Bilderberg, Solomons, Rothschilds, and Rockefellers, is only is concerned with giving recognition to those who won't challenge it and their intermarried sham.

They know that the Native tribes represent no political threat. They think that a politically trained, angry, maimed Ottaviano descendant is an issue. The irony is, they created me by wet working me. I had nothing to say before recent events made it impossible to ignore.

Unless you're content to work in menial work, they try to murder and disable out of paranoia as they did to me in 1997 to 1998.

US agents: What do you think will happen if Italians read this ? Do you think they'll dump the Socialist government you back ? Do you think they'll tell you to stop bombing countries from "NATO" bases as they did a few weeks ago ?

You fear the truth you smothered for 1943 years about people named Ottaviano (and others who ruled before the Germans and Jews you serve, too).

If they admit an Ottaviano to Bilderberg or even acknowledge our existence as they pretend to be "heads of state", their house of cards of global government, false wars, fake man- made imposed religious bureaucracy, murder and looting collapses.


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