Is America indispensable? I fail to see how its murders relate to anything indispensable about it. Has any politician or any neoconservative spokesperson ever made a coherent case for this indispensability? Assertions that a murderous hegemony is benevolent do not make it so. The facts tell the opposite story.
Unfortunately, as if writing in a vacuum, he then states the following:
There are certain ideas that would set civilization back a long time if they were lost, but America has no monopoly on these ideas.
"If they were lost" ? The "certain ideas" were lost once already by design from 476 to 1776.
A repeatedly attempted coup d'etat (in 9, 68, 410 and 476) that gained hold in 476 established Germanic families as the illegal rulers of Europe to this day, and Jewish families as their financiers as well as marriage partners. I'm not politically correct after being maimed and rendered persona non grata by them. I'm not going to ignore that I'm poor because of this coup and their Globalist power Merck that tried to kill me in 1998 over a name.
Rome gave those "certain ideas" that the Professor mentions to the world that were used to manufacture the USA. Still Rome is ignored by writers of a certain tribe out of ongoing hate.
While I agree that the process set the world back 1500 years (as I prefer to 1300 years), it already happened, it was staged, and the guilty parties are known.
They aren't Americans.
America has no inherent right to use force on others except if it chooses to defend itself against attack. America has no future vision superior to anyone else’s. Ths (sic.) condition of this country’s economy, culture, and politics hardly suggest that American leaders have had a superior vision or have implemented it.
This is an unfortunate position as true as it is, because it obliterates Rome that the Founders turned to. The ideas were lost because they were ignored until 1776. In fact it's disturbing that Professor Rozeff did this. Over and over we see Rome ignored. We all know why it is ignored. We all know why there is a disconnect.
There is a manufactured, staged disconnect because one was concocted from 476 to 1776. Isn't that strange ? That's exactly 1300 years of "darkness", of destroying Roman records, and otherwise obliterating Rome as if that was then and this now... even though Professor Rozeff must know also, that the ideals of the USA are those of Rome.
And as I've said before, let's see some "ancient Mohegans" and "ancient Pequots".
America stands no taller than any other nation. Albright is simply expressing a species of nation-state superiority that reminds one of the nasty racial superiority theories that were prevalent in earlier centuries and still remain today. She is expressing a false rationale for domination and thus murder. This rationale may comfort its users, but they do not bring forward anything to support it.
That's strange, because at once he criticizes Albright, and at the same time, we fail to see government, academia, law, medicine or finance dominated by any other group comprising 1.7 percent of the population as we have here in America. Let's see that Goyim dominated media and entertainment apparatus we have. He has expressed a rather odd fear of Americans leading the murder, for a system now dominated by one group ! One group now dominates the top offices of the USA.
The public isn't doing what he accuses them of, in his disconnect. They have no power !
It is important from a religious point of view to mention that this rationale for murder is also an un-Christian rationale despite the fact that many who invoke it call themselves Christians and think of themselves as good Christians. I single out Christians because America is thought of by many as a Christian nation.
If we're attacking religions, I choose to single out the group that toppled my ancestors using Germanic military force as its proxy.