Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tomahawk chop

Yesterday, I said:

We all know they'll replace worn-out puppet Gaddafi with a new one. In fact, that's why your taxes are being wasted on rotating materiel like aging Tomahawks and Gaddafi. He didn't bow to his masters fast enough.

Today comes the "response", at least from one country. In Libya: Navy running short of Tomahawk missiles, some truth comes out about the expenditure of the cruise missiles in the British Navy.

Starting with:

The Navy could run out of Tomahawk missiles after a fifth of the Navy stockpile has been used against Libya, sources disclosed yesterday.

Defence insiders say as many as 12 of the weapons have been fired from the hunter–killer submarine Triumph in the past four days.

If this is correct, the Navy will have used up to 20 per cent of its 64 Tomahawks in the opening salvos of the war, leading to fears that it is "burning through" its armoury.

The details of what I said yesterday are then presented.

Several of the 64 Tomahawks are being serviced because their fuel and computers need to be regularly checked.


The Storm Shadow missiles and submarine–launched Tomahawks cost £1.1million and £800,000 each.

Defence chiefs are said to be lobbying the Prime Minister to ensure that the extra costs are paid from the Treasury's reserve budget. "This is a huge issue for us," said a senior military planner. "Who is going to pay for this?"

Certainly not the Visigoth Bilderberg billionaires that started it for their oil profits.


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