Thursday, March 31, 2011

From the New York Times, April 1, 1913

On 31 March 1913, J.P. Morgan died in Rome. The Rothschilds didn't.

Mr. Morgan undoubtedly was the foremost individual banking figure in the world. Surpassing him in resources were the Rothschilds alone and they are and have been for generations a family of whom no single member stood out in the class with Mr. Morgan. Their resources are estimated at several hundred millions. In twelve years they loaned nearly $450,000,000 to European Governments. Since 1815 they have raised for Great Britain more than $1,000,000,000; for Austria, $250,000,000; for Prussia, $200,000,000; for Italy nearly $300,000,000; and for Russia nearly $125,000,000. In most of the principal European capitals, however, there are members of the Rothschild family who look after the financial needs of the country, while in the United States Mr. Morgan stood almost alone, towering above men like George F. Baker, whose actual wealth is almost, if not quite, as great as his, and John D. Rockefeller, whose wealth is certainly greater.


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