Saturday, March 19, 2011

Test Tube Baby Soetoro engages in drive-by shooting for his Bilderberg handlers

Speaking with his brain and not a Globalist white paper stamped by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group and executed by the CIA that birthed Soetoro in a lab, Gaddafi sent the test tube baby Soetoro a letter.

"Libya is not yours. Libya is for the Libyans," he said in the letter. "If you had found them taking over American cities with armed force, tell me what you would do."

Soetoro being an angry black man of sorts as witnessed by his psychotic drug burn-out induced (admitted in writing in his book) glares at multiple US Congressmen when he is displeased, has opened fire in a drive-by shooting after daring to utter these words:

"...we cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy."

Soetoro, how would you describe your internal attacks on the USA on 11 September and economically in the fall of 2008 ? Do you really think we don't know "out here" ?

Some of us were you once before you maimed us, broke us, blacklisted us or otherwise, and are watching you.

Between Gaddafi's words and Soetoro's could some in those crowds that were in Wisconsin and elsewhere finally wake up and act... against the real tyrants ?

As we know, Soetoro is currently in unlawful possession of the firing codes to the USA's nuclear arsenal without the original identification required when you apply for a passport or college loan or military entry.

Indeed. These "allies" were built illegally on the overthrown Roman Empire, an Empire overpowered by invading Germanic forces in an unlawful conspiracy that is in operation to this very minute.

They are firing on the Roman Province of Creta et Cyrenaica, composed of Crete and North Africa. We demand they cease fire at once before further damage is done to Roman property before Libya is officially returned to its people due to a failure of us to do so after illegal interference by the German invaders of Rome in 476.

The United States, Britain and France issued a joint statement late Friday, with backing from several Arab countries, warning the "international community will make him [Gadhafi] suffer the consequences" unless he stops the attacks, restores water, electric and gas services and allows humanitarian aid to enter the country.

You're insolent dogs of corporate backed war. This much can be said about you by us. Your only goal is to rotate war materiel for your Globalist handlers.

Bilderberg families are the descendants of the unlawful Visigoth coup against Rome, and the Ottavianos demand immediate consultations to resolve your unlawful activities.

That your cruise missiles were in need of the same bogus rotation as in Iraq, Serbia, Somalia, Iraq again, the Sudan, Iraq once more, and Afghanistan is irrefutable for since the Tomahawk missile was made operational, wars are started every few years when the materiel needs rotation.

Remember, these statements were impossible to distribute widely before the advent of the internet. They are no joke. If these same usurpers opened fire on the sovereign Mohegan or Pequot or Cheyenne reservations created based on 2000 year old unwritten evidence, what would the public think ?

Why are they being allowed to pillage the planet and destroy nation states based on their 1500 year old coup ?

Where in Jupiter's name do these Germanic, Bilderberg, Jewish (yes, even Sarkozy's mother), Globalist, Weishauputian, Illuminati usurpers think they can fire on Roman territories, time after time and never pay consequences for 1500 years of fraud ?

Indeed, Louis Farrakhan has asked the same question.


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