Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dieu defend le droit: Are the Anarchists the Right ?

Anarchists 'plan to target royal wedding'.

Who cares ? They're not royal, they're usurpers of the Roman Empire founded by our ancestors.

It should say:

Anarchists plan to target usuper Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha wedding.

As far as we know vis a vis the location, the Roman Empire "ended" here in a coup d'etat that those who are getting married on 29 April 2011 profit from to this hour.

Everything Octavian built de facto ended in this castle, destroyed by the Goth Odoacer when he murdered the Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus in or after 476.

De jure it's a different story when these con- artists now grant Native Americans billion dollar casinos based on 2000 year old verbal evidence but ignore our name carved in stone across Europe. So please spare us the theatrics of what follows.

Scotland Yard officers are working urgently to identify the extremists who clashed with police and attacked landmarks on Saturday before they can strike again.

Are Globalist businesses and banks now "landmarks" ? They might be... to the Bilderberg usurpers that own them.

In fact, as a Roman I find this particularly nauseating:

...“They never allowed themselves to get stopped or detained by us. I would describe it as hit-and-run tactics, they were always just ahead of us getting sufficient protective resources there to stop them.

Am I reading an account of the Germanics (later Franks, Saxons and Visigoths) at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest on 11 September 9 ? They had no respect for Roman Imperial law or orders as they ambushed and annihilated the XVII, XVIII and XIX Legions comprising 20,000 men.

Commander Broadhurst, do ask the Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha family and their financiers why it's tolerated in the "permanent record" for them to have used these exact tactics against the Ottavianos and their successors in Rome starting with Julius Caesar, and yet think they're any different and immune to them.

And it was "them". Any time they wish to surrender for what their ancestors did to us, they'll stop being an ongoing party to a coup against Rome.

“They were using light bulbs filled with ammonia, petrol bombs and smoke flares. Any one of these can kill not just a police officer but a member of the public. These people are willing to resort to this naked violence in front of cameras. It is almost as if they have no fear of judicial process in this country.”

Your handlers had no fear of Roman law. Why should your anarchists have a fear of your bankers or "ceremonial" heads of state's security force ?

Scotland Yard serves a fictional ruler and an ongoing anti-Roman Visigoth initiated coup that they were brainwashed to protect to pay their bills. The Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha family in question's properties and illegal wealth should be seized and returned to the British people from whom it was stolen after the withdrawl of our lawful Roman legions from British and German lands.

He told The Daily Telegraph: "That has been on my radar for a long time. I will have different powers at my disposal to ensure that the wedding footprint as it were is kept safe from protest.

The Bilderberg inbreds have been on our "radar" for 1500 years.

"I'm dealing with a security operation in a city under a terrorist threat. We will be putting in sterile zones, using counter-terrorist powers, closing roads and [using] stop and search powers.

"Yesterday reinforced the fact that there does appear to be an appetite out there to endorse violence.”

Referring to Saturday’s disturbances, he added: “These are criminal acts, every one of these buildings is being treated as a crime scene and we will get a lot of CCTV back.

"Criminal !" Really ? What was it in 9, 68, 410 and 476 when your handlers agitated to overthrow Rome and impoverish its ruling families, and murder the ones who weren't compliant with your long haired, pelt wearing whims ?

Those are the Visigoths that Elizabeth Hanover (by law the title was lost under Victoria but I find the alternative laborious) aka Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha / dba Windsor, her children and grand-children, Juan Carlos and the other usurpers are so proud to be descended from. Even Caroline of Monaco is married to one, the eldest Hanover usurper, Ernst August V, "Prince of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick, Prince of Great Britain and Ireland."

Of course, he's prince of less than the nothing that Weimar took from him.

On 23 June 1920 by law, their titular name was abolished becoming their last name in Germany a historically ironic change known to any Ottaviano keeping track.

Yet remember, if they have only ceremonial power, why are they at Bilderberg giving their input among heads of industry, and other "powerless" heads of state ?

So please forgive me if I don't feel for the Hanover usurpers that are fretting that anarchists will be targeting their wedding. Boo hoo !

"The concern for me is that they do what they did yesterday in central London and divert resources away from my security plan and take our eye off the ball security wise," he said.

Too bad.

Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, was under fire last night for speaking at the TUC march, during which the violence occurred. Writing in The Daily Telegraph, Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, said Mr Miliband would have been "quietly satisfied" by the chaos and claimed it was not surprising there was violence as Labour was failing to offer any alternative to the cuts.

The lunatic Betty Hanover who I believe other humans are still not allowed to touch because she apparently suffers from a generations-old case of OCD, did have the unmitigated gall to ask Parliament for "fuel assistance" because she couldn't just write a check as the richest woman in the world.

That's Rome's money, not hers. And I say give it back to the British people, German thief.

Your Bilderberg Merck maimed me and nearly buried me in 1998. By now, they have all have confirmed I am who I say I am in many ways. Excuse me if that sounds like a riddle to a member of the public reading this.

Who cares about your clean little wedding that will waste millions of pounds ? It'll just end like Charles' did anyway.

Welcome to the real, dirty, messy world. You create your own hate.

Only fops, fools and imbeciles will back you to the end that will come for you as it did for us.


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