Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Does anyone ever get fired for failing at their job ?

Corruption is so institutionalized now in the US by people (aka hacks) being handed their jobs by friends and family, that to fire someone even for costing millions of dollars as in the case of what follow is out of the question to the crooks in charge.

To demote or fire their hires would cause them to be questioned as well. Witness 9/11.

From 4 million to 8 million of the disks were released from the Hooksett wastewater treatment facility on March 6 during a heavy rain. The disks made their way down the Merrimack River and eventually into the Gulf of Maine. If they get in the Gulf Stream they may eventually float to Europe, Pike said.

The disks, 2 inches in diameter and made of plastic mesh, are designed to capture bacteria in wastewater at sewage treatment plants, Pike said. They are part of a new technology that went into effect in October, he said, adding that he didn't know of other places in New England using them.

"We think we've corrected the problem," he said, referring to the accidental release of the disks into the river.

You "think" ? So you weren't fired or demoted for the first round, and you're not quite sure if there will be a second round even as millions are unemployed and want to do your job properly, you trough feeder ?

The town of Hooksett has contracted with Enpro Engineering of Newburyport to help with the cleanup, which may cost $1.5 million to $2 million, Pike said. He said the disks have been found in 35 seaside towns in Massachusetts and 11 riverside towns in New Hampshire.

Crews will start arriving on Cape Cod Wednesday to start the cleanup, he said. But Pike encouraged the public to help, saying his town would appreciate it.

So you plan to get paid this week and good natured suckers will help do your job ?

And then there's always the obligatory Cape Cod wise ass slamming the people that feed him:

Bill Giroux of Orleans said he found six or eight disks mixed in with seaweed in the wrack line at Skaket Beach on Monday.

He was confident that before a month is up the flotsam will be either cleaned up or sanded over.

Local officials will "make it all look pretty for the summer visitors," Giroux said.

Why not save the wise comment for the town of Hooksett ? Does he expect the people that built Cape Cod from a backwater dependent on federal and state aid to walk in Hooksett, NH's filth ?


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