Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Washington Post tries to spin USA attacking itself

The Washington Post has added supposed detail to the operation in Libya. This is a sham piece, given that the CIA runs myriad puppets in the ComPost. Would they have the citizenry believe that the collective "they" launched attacks in Libya without knowing full well who they were supporting ? Even then they'd be as incompetent as if they were aiding al Qaida in Libya with full knowledge.

They knew who they were aiding. They can see them from space using satellite images. They see their movements. They let them move from one country to another, despite their capabilities to stop their transit. They intercept them on the internet, on satellite phones and on radio. They debrief Libyans like the mid-level defector fighter pilots and hear the Libyan government talking to itself about who they are fighting, after Gaddafi said the fighters were al Qaida.

What's really in progress is spin as more people, reporters and bloggers say what I said earlier.

To aid al Qaida in Libya by strikes and to strike at al Qaida in Afghanistan and Iraq is de facto American civil war. You can't legitimately ally with an enemy in Libya and attack it in Iraq and Afghanistan as it kills your men in return. In that case you're fighting yourself. You're saving (and arming) Libyan-based al Qaida to fight America on return to the other two countries.

The CIA is being spun by their outlet the ComPost to look like they're on top of it all, since they'd never do something that "stupid." Wrong. It's not stupid. It's a staged farce.

The Obama administration has sent teams of CIA operatives into Libya in a rush to gather intelligence on the identity, goals and progress of rebel forces opposed to Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi, according to U.S. officials.

As noted earlier today, the USA looks rather conflicted attacking al Qaida in Iraq and Afghanistan and backing al Qaida in Libya. Rest assured the teams didn't go empty handed, either, despite the protest below.

Such information has become more crucial as the administration and its coalition partners move closer to providing direct military aid or guidance to the disorganized and beleaguered rebel army. Officials said that, though no decision has been made, President Obama, in a covert finding, has authorized preparations to launch such an effort.


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