Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cape Cod holds toilet summit because they're full of sh*t

The people, the toilets or both ? You decide.

In Toilet summit flush with ideas, the public returning from off-Cape this time of year is fed more propaganda about how you're supposed to treat differently an over developed, understaffed, thieving area of dishonest people who are closing the door after the horses got out.

In a room filled with toilets, it was no surprise the conversation was all potty talk.

Do you kiss your motha widdat mouth ?

In fact, these local Globalist terrorist often like to yell at people with out of state plates,"go back where you came from." Find an intersection in Orleans or any place you need to slow down in your out of state car and see how long some goober pretending to have "gone country" takes to say it to someone.

They never tell the federal government to take back their $350,000 Aid to Firefighter Grants and give the money back to Connecticut, New York and New Jersey federal taxpayers.

During an "Eco-Toilet Summit" Saturday afternoon at East Falmouth Elementary School, vendors and proponents of urine diversion and composting toilets presented a case for their favorite alternative collection method to about 90 audience members.

These liars created busy work for themselves by lobbying Congress and the EPA for rules that don't exist off Cape after the very construction of houses that fed their faces for 50 years has caused the problem. They are engaged in wholesale fraud. If they were so worried about the impact of houses, they should have worried about it when their fathers bought their Christmas presents and vacations I never saw on the wage earned from over developing the Cape to begin with.

They caused any real or imagined problems. But now they can certainly profit from the remedies they're hawking to suckers who have been brainwashed by Globalists. It's strange that every other area in America simply treats the water through plants, but the cheap Cape Codders didn't want to just build a water treatment plant years ago. They want to make rules and rules and rules and give their contractor cronies perpetual employment now "fixing" it.

While the four-hour forum focused on in-home technology for the collection of human waste, concerns about the cost of large sewer systems proposed in towns across Cape Cod inevitably bubbled up.

"I don't think any of us wants to live in a community that's all wealthy where middle-class families can't afford to live, where lower income families can't afford to live," said former state Rep. Matthew Patrick, who moderated the discussion.

Patrick is yet another pretend legislator who accomplished nothing in office because he was more worried about looking good to the electorate, but has all the answers as he shills out of office.

Such a scenario is possible, however, if sewer projects that could cost Cape towns billions of dollars go forward, he said.

As usual, in their greed the people of Cape Cod let this get out of control, like power distribution, power production, aging bridges, aging roads... they let it all fall apart or become inadequate even as there are millions in grants that they take to fund themselves and their toys on the job as police and fire and town workers.

The first two phases of Falmouth's new sewer system are expected to cost $357 million to construct, operate and maintain over the next 30 years.

The town could invest $500,000 to install 100 composting or urine diversion toilets in homes to see if the public will accept their use, Patrick said. Urine diversion toilets cost about $600, and composting toilets go for anywhere between $5,000 and $8,000.

"If we do decide to go this route we could be the example for other communities," he said.

The concept of having a toilet that does not connect to a septic system or a sewer faces challenges however. The use of compost from human waste and urine as fertilizer on a large scale will require buy-in from the public, proponents said.

"This sounds pretty pie-in-the-sky to some people or icky, said Don Mills, sales director of Clivus Multrum, a Lawrence-based manufacturer of composting toilets and greywater systems.

Are we in Africa or on the ice in Sweden ?

Liars... stop diverting attention from the real issue. There is no new issue. You're inventing one to start propping up your faltering businesses now that the economy has failed and building on Cape Cod is nearing an end.

Septic systems are used all over New England in all kinds of soil near all kinds of water bodies and this isn't going on. Address the millionaires with old houses and leaking septic systems and stop shilling for them by dragging poor people into this lie.

Nitrogen comes from people like whatever bum on Long Pond in Brewster leaks soap onto the shore every day even as Ed Lewis pretended one day at broadcast town meeting not to know what the soap was or where it came from. It only smells like detergent and appears on a regular schedule !

"There are many points of intervention where we can try to fix this nitrogen coastal pond problem," said Earle Barnhart, president of the Green Center, which sponsored the summit.

No, you don't want to alienate millionaire shoreline customers by telling them to get out their big fat Globalist thief wallets and repair their leaking septic systems and antiquated systems, as the people who leak sh*t into Long Pond are doing.

The alternatives outlined at the summit, while useful in some applications such as for rural areas, leave users with nitrogen that can't be returned locally without creating the same problem towns on Cape Cod face of excess nitrogen flowing to area bays and ponds, he said.

Ah yes, the lie that half acre lot Cape Cod is rural. That's a sham levied on the federal government, and sold to federal politicians by local ones to keep the grant money flowing freely. How is Cape Cod rural when much of eastern Connecticut with 2 acre lots, is not ?

The sky is green, the grass is blue. It's the Globalist tyranny at the local level and they're stealing the grant money, even if it's a coffee maker and not directly. If the water is so great in Brewster, why are all the offices including the Police having their water delivered !

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