Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kate Middleton blows off parking meter as Test Tube Baby Soetoro opens fire for his Bilderberg handlers

Kate Middleton escaped not only two parking tickets but paying a parking meter throughout the time she was shopping, since she can't afford the $6.50.

Nuisance ? Is that the point of a security detail now to get people out of their civic obligation ?

Middleton, 29, popped into Peter Jones department store in central London on Thursday afternoon -- but failed to pay the mandatory £4 ($6.5) to park her Audi A3 on the street outside.

These Bilderbergs are international war criminals, and they are an ongoing coup d'etat against the Roman Empire.

They are not only rich by stealing from you for 1500 years, they're cheap common criminals as well.

I see unfortunate recent references to Nero over and over vis a vis Japan and Obama by Drudge and Alex Jones.

Fact check before shilling for them, Alex. Nero was loved by the people. He was hated by Jewish money changers and the rich Senators. I know, I know. Alex has commanded the multitude of sheep not say Jewish in front of anything due to his personal interests.

These groups repeatedly tried to riot, and they set the fires. The rest are 1500 years of lies against the last Julio Claudian.

It was a coup d'etat to replace the Julio Claudian family that started with the murder of Caesar by the same two criminal elements that today rule the world and control its wealth.

When will the coup d'etat come against the Bilderberg Group with stunts like this woman's ?

Then we discover that not only did this billionaire Visigoth usurper of Rome (remember, they can surrender at any time) avoid paying the meter and one ticket, she was bailed out a second time as she took her sweet time inside the store.

As she went into the store accompanied by a female bodyguard, a traffic warden approached her car and began issuing a ticket.

However, a police protection officer waiting in another car quickly intervened.

"I saw a warden arrive and he started to take down the car's details," an onlooker told the Mail. "Then an officer arrived, flashed his badge and had a chat. Whatever he said persuaded the warden not to issue a ticket."

The same officer was then forced to come to the rescue again as a second traffic warden approached.

Middleton arrived back from the store soon after, with no waiting ticket to spoil her trip.


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