Friday, March 18, 2011

Ron Paul doesn't partake in coup d'etat

Whatever we may think about the Gaddafi regime, we must recognize that this is a coup d’etat in a foreign country.

The same holds true for all Roman lands in Europe vis a vis United States recognition of usurper governments inherited from Visigoth invaders, for example the Bourbon family of "Juan Carlos of Spain".

Mr. Speaker: I rise to introduce a resolution expressing the sense of the Congress that the President is required to obtain in advance specific statutory authorization for the use of United States Armed Forces in response to civil unrest in Libya. As many in the administration, Congress, and elsewhere clamor for the president to initiate military action to support those seeking to overthrow the Libyan regime, Congress sits by, as usual, pretending that Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution does not exist. According to this long-ignored section, ‘‘The Congress shall have Power To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.”

Ron Paul's erudite statements based on the written law of the land are why some 24 hours ago, I demanded that the Globalist puppet usurper "Italian" government resign at once and allow the lawful Roman Empire to take control of all military and government facilities, starting in Italy, and demanded the immediate cessation of the processing of any "United Nations" orders to attack the Roman Province of Creta et Cyrenaica.

I wasn't joking.

The Globalists are usurpers. They are an ongoing and illegal coup d'etat centered on the kidnap and murder of two successive Roman Emperors in 476 and the conditioning of the public through the "Dark Ages" that they are legal authorities.

I demand the same respect for the Ottaviano family afforded the Hanovers dba "Windsors", who claim five lines of descent from Julius Caesar yet can't produce a single birth certificate saying Ottaviano or other Julio-Claudian family names.

The United States recognizes Native American tribes on unwritten evidence older than 476, and our name is carved in rock across Europe.

This is no joke. We won't be ignored any more.


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