The world should be incensed that people like Juan Carlos of Spain proudly declare themselves descended from the Visigioth kings that overthrew Rome and spent 1500 years stealing, killing, murdering, maiming, imprisoning and
How far along would humanity be in space, medicine and technology without their sick desire to dominate the world for themselves ? Rome gave the world globalism and peace under Octavian until what would become the Bilderberg families of Europe interfered and handed them their unlawful power backed by hired guns beholden to them for mortgage and car payments today.
They're such petty fools that they beat up on Nero and introduced him into the lexicon as a lie that they created to justify their power grab that was the result of many attempts. There is no clear evidence that Nero committed suicide. There are only lies because they destroyed the records of Rome. The only people who hated Nero were certain rich Senators and the Jewish money changers who acted as arsonists and blamed the Emperor. The Legions themselves regretted their decision after the Emperor was dead. They regretted abandoning him to his murderers and Rome wasn't the same after.
Why do their progeny fight a battle of reputation begun by them in 68 if they're so secure in their power and identity ? The fact is, there are more of you than there are of them. If there are a million of you, there are more of you than there are of them. They fear you.
They orchestrated a "Dark Age" to recondition most humans alive today and their ancestors into ignorance and menial labor as chattel slaves. If you think that you aren't, you couldn't be more wrong. Their descendants continue their march today, through the military-industrial complex and banking shams.
Every time the Visigoth descendants dare speak of dead children as they have vis a vis Libya in the last 12 hours, they reveal themselves as a global force for hypocrisy. They routinely kill and maim children domestically through companies like Nazi SS funded Merck, where their money was deposited at the end of WWII.
You never hear it. Their US media outlets protected them, and now their Globalist ones do. The companies are allowed to lie. They are allowed to study their own medicines then present the data for approval as truth. The same is the case with cars or radios or any item needing approval.
Indeed, the Nazis themselves were played by MI6 and the what became the OSS into adopting Roman standards and insignia because they knew this day would come, and when it came they feared the rise of the familiar symbols. They convinced Hitler and Mussolini they were new Romans when they were puppet criminals who were manipulated as intelligence desired. They tarnished Rome.
Their descendants can't stop killing and maiming and in 1998 used Merck as a cover story and cover agent to attempt to murder me and when that failed, permanently incapacitate me simply over genetics, a last name they fear, my progress in their field and a refusal to serve their evil Beast in 1995. They then impoverished us and they know how they did it in 2008. They think they won't pay, and they think I'll step over a line that's a fiction because we rule and not them, if they keep safely ignoring me.
There is nothing more conservative than firing on a target you're sure of and not laughing like an unprofessional psychopath afterwards as seen in the following video. "Dead bastards ?" Read the comments on youtube. Your guns give you that bold voice as you stand back like cowards.
Rome ostensibly fell to your masters. Who will your masters fall to ?
Once they've assembled their world government, who remains to steal it from them, intact ? Do we have the hate and motive to gut them from within as we were gutted ? A coup is lawful when it is reclaiming what was taken. Are you working for the United States or Bilderberg et al ? Choose wisely.
The usurpers have no power over the public. Shed yourself of their yoke as requested in this forum on 8 March. Tony Cartalucci on Alex Jones' ferreted out the truth in his urgings posted again today:
As a cloud of radioactive fallout blows seaward from Japan, as the Middle East convulses in engineered destabilization, as oil and food prices are manipulated by Wall Street speculators, the excuse of it being “too difficult” to boycott and replace the comfort and convenience offered to us by the corporate-financier oligarchs is beginning to ring rather hollow. Your life and the future of humanity depends on boycotting and replacing the globalists – World War III has already begun and is consuming the world one nation at a time.
We literally have nothing to lose by boycotting and replacing the globalists besides our servile dependence on their system. We will find, no matter what our pet agenda is, usurping this unwarranted authority from the global elite will infinitely advance our cause. For our various agendas are addressing but puppets upon the globalists’ stage, and by boycotting their system and excising them from our daily lives, we climb up above the theater and throttle the puppet masters themselves.
Naming Names: Corporate-Financier Oligarchs to Boycott & Replace
CFR Corporate Membership
Chatham House Major Corporate Membership
Chatham House Standard Corporate Membership
International Crisis Group Supporters Supporters
For more information on alternative economics, getting self-sufficient and moving on without the parasitic, incompetent, globalist oligarchs:
The Lost Key to Real Revolution
Boycott the Globalists
Alternative Economics
Heed his admonitions.
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